Chapter 82 ~exclusive~

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Minerva had been giving a speech about what happened and which changes had been made for quite a while now. I had been very sidetracked and examined the look on my seat neighbor's face out of the corner of my eye. Severus looked so bitter sitting there glaring down onto the students.
Minerva had given him his old quarters back. While I received the alternate "potions masters chambers " in the dungeons.
I had truly hoped he would ask me to stay with him... Especially now that we had been together at my house for quite some time...
But apparently, my hopes and dreams would come true any time soon.
Great job (y/n)!
You ruined it.
The feast began and I stared down at my plate. I didn't feel the least bit of appetite.
"I'll be in my chambers, " I mumbled in Minerva's direction. She gave me a questioning somewhat empathetic look. Yes, she had noticed what had been going on.
I rushed out of the hall and downstairs opening the door and stepping into my quarters. It felt so weird to not be in his... I shook my head and went to the bathroom taking my makeup off and brushing my teeth as I had stripped down most of my clothes I heard a knock on the door.
Argh. Who would want something from me now?!
I grabbed my kimono and slipped it over my only in underwear dressed self.
I hurried over to my office and opened the door.
"Yes? "
But to my surprise, it wasn't a student but good old professor Snape standing in front of my door a tortured expression on his face.
"Severus? " I asked ever so softly with a slight bit of surprise in my voice.
"(Y/n)... " he looked me up and down a bit lost for a second or two.
"Nevermind," he said and turned around to leave but I grabbed his sleeve.
"Wait, what is it?" I kept my voice soft and friendly.
"It doesn't matter, " he replied rather cold.
"It does to me!"
He turned around to face me again.
'I just wanted to ask you if you would prefer staying with me but you seem to have company, " he glared at me but his voice had an upset undertone.
"Company? I was getting ready for bed. I mean you can come inside and check if you want to but who would that be? " I gave back a bit confused until I realized what he actually thought I did.
"Are you mentally deficient?! " my voice pitched up a bit.
"For you, this whole thing might not be exclusive but for me it is! There is no one else allowed in my bed but you. " the shock that he actually thought there was another guy in my bedroom at this moment because of my current state of clothing washed over me.
There was a glint in his eyes and the next thing I knew was that I was pinned against the wall.
"Of course we are exclusive to me! I just know that if you want to leave me I can't hold you! " he growled in a low and very demanding almost dominant voice.
"I will never leave you! I love you Severus and that won't change. It just pains me that you believe I would just screw a random guy after you stayed with me for four weeks and after what happened last night! "
He looked deep into my eyes then his gaze went down.
"I can't lose you... " he gave back in an apologizing manner.
"You won't ever get rid of me again, " I breathed heavily against his lips our faces only an inch apart.
He closed the distance between us pushing me up against the wall even more.
This wasn't like the soft loving kisses we shared before. It was full of passion and desire almost a bit harsh.
I gasped in slight surprise but instantly kissed back leaning in as much as I could while still being held against the wall.
He broke the kiss which let me standing there breathless.
"Will you stay with me? At least for tonight? You don't have to move in... "
He asked slightly unsure.
"I would love to stay with you, at all times, " I gave back in a low purr.
A smile crept on his face.
"Good, I am sorry for thinking that you... Well... " He was obviously at a loss of words.
"Psssst, " I placed a finger against his soft lips.
"It's okay. Just know that I would never betray you like that, " I gave him a soft smile and an honest look, pulling my door close behind us.
He stepped aside so I could step away from the wall again and we walked over to his office and into his chambers which I only knew too well.
He held the bedroom door open for me and offered me to step in first.
"I forgot my nightgown... " I mumbled.
"Would you want to have a button-up? "
I stepped in front of him playing with the buttons of his robes slowly unbuttoning them and pulling each layer off.
"What do you think you are doing? " he hissed.
"Nothing... I'm just helping myself to some clothes, " I smirked and pulled his white button-up, also being the last layer of his clothes, off him. Leaving him with a bare upper body.
I untied the nod on my kimono and let it glide onto the floor slipping into the shirt he just wore instead.
"You could have just asked for a fresh one. "
"Yes, but this one smells like you... " I mumbled in slight embarrassment then looking up with a grin again.
"And it is just too much fun to tease you. "
"You cheek girl, " he growled lowly stepping closer and closer to me with an evil grin on his face.
"Does someone need some manners? "
"Uhm... Maybe... " I gave back a bit shakily only to get pushed down onto the bed in response.

A/N: To be continued?! Yes, no, maybe? I don't know? Could you repeat the question?
Tell me in the comments what you think.
See you soon! 🐍🖤

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