Chapter 4 ~those arrogant housemates of yours~

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My eyes were heavy and my head was whirling, when I heard the beeping sound of my alarm clock going off. I opened my eyes up lazily and pushed it onto the floor while trying to shut it down. Since my alarm always went off way too early, because I sometimes went running in the morning or just out for a walk, it was only 5:30 am. Great! I got up and rubbed my eyes, yawned and stretched a little bit. That damn hand still hurt, but as I guess yesterday the wound turned into thin lines overnight.

Without being arrogant: I had a talent for potions and healing stuff, so it was absolutely no problem for me to invent an ointment or cast a healing spell, even on myself. I walked straight up to the bathroom and began to get ready when I met eyes with my own reflection.

"How long have you been dead before they got you out of the grave again?," I asked myself sarcastically. My eyes were dull, I had heavy rings under them and was paler than ever. Wow! This will be great! I got into the shower and felt way better afterwards. I tried to cover up the dark cycles underneath my eyes with some concealer and used some blush to get rid of the extrema paleness. I actually looked decent after my little makeup session and got dressed.
I walked down the almost empty corridors and straight to the great hall. Only very few people were already having breakfast, so I could just take a seat and drink my coffee in peace. Today would be a quiet day.

I had transfiguration, charms and astronomy class so there wasn't too much trouble coming up. When the hall began to fill, I could spot Christine walking towards me.

"Do you really wanna sit with those arrogant housemates of yours?" she asked me both of her eyebrows raised.
"No," I said smirking at her, standing up and walking over to the Ravenclaw table. They didn't like me either, but they ignored me, so we had a quite decent time over there.

After breakfast, we headed off to our classes. It wasn't much of a deal but still kind of interesting a specially when professor Mcgonagal started talking about animagi. I already did some research on that topic and it's quite amazing. I decided to do some more of it and try myself. Because why not? As the day went by, I had a little conversation with Christine about my earlier detention and she freaked out, saying she would kill Umbridge. I tried to calm her a bit, but I wouldn't be too sad if I didn't have to deal with the pink toad no more. I also didn't want to visit my one and only friend in Azkaban so I told her one-day karma would get her, in which forme ever...

At the end of the school day, we went to the library to study and do our homework... Yeah, nerdy I know...
On our way there some bloody stairs decided that our faith laid in the other direction and turned.
We walked through the corridor, we were now located in and as we did we walked straight into a conversation between Umbridge and professor Snape...

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