Chapter 10 ~It turned out black and fluffy~

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"Come in," I heard professor Snape's voice call. I opened his office door and walked in. He was sitting at his table grading some homework or something.

"Good evening, sir,"  I said in a low voice.       

"Dust all the shelves and organize the books on the shelf to your left alphabetically," was all the professor responded, not even looking up at me.

Well fine. He wanted to treat me like I was not worth his precious time. two people could play this game. To be fair: He did catch me wandering around the grounds at night, but that didn't mean I couldn't snap back at him. ( ;) )  

"Alright professor. I assume I'm not allowed to use magic so would you please give me a rag, so I can fulfill my task to your satisfaction?" I asked him in a sugar-sweet, Umbridge like voice. He glared up at me with an annoyed expression on his face. He raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you capable of drawing yourself one (Y/l/n)?" he asked sarcastically.

"Oh, I am sir, but I thought you probably didn't want me to use any magic..." I said in a singsong voice.

"(Y/l/n)!" he hissed.

"Sorry, sir. I know, not funny and I am here because I been a very bad girl so I need to be all nice now to not make it worse," I giggle, but then honestly smiled at him.

"Just do it (Y/l/n)," he grumbled.

I cracked another smile. He almost sounded defeated. I drew a rag in the air using my wand. It turned out black and fluffy... ;) Taking care of the dust on the professor's shelves and organizing his books I kept myself from glancing at him to look what he was doing. Yeah, I truly am pretty nosy. After completing the task I turned to the potions master, who was now looking right at me.

"You may go," he said emotionless.

"Good night, sir. Sleep tight," I told him. all the sarcasm from earlier had left my voice. I truly meant it.  

"Get out," he hissed. Well, he never was very friendly to me... but sometimes it hurt me a bit...  Whatever. Only God knows what kind of problems the man has.

I left the potion master's office and walked down the corridors towards the Slytherin common room.  In only four days Christine would leave Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays... More time for me to speculate about where the potions master was coming from and what his deal was and why Potter was stupid as ever this year... XD I would probably study the entire holidays... I had nothing better to do and I wanted to train some more d.a.d.a.

(A/N): Oh my God, I'm back again... sorry for the long break, but I had a ton of work to do. I hope you enjoyed for any inspiration or wishes (for new stories included) just type me a quick little comment. =)

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