Chapter 43 ~shut up!~

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"Into my office immediately! ~Professor Snape"
That was everything that stood in the letter that just flew over to me.
Did something happen? Was he hurt? All kinds of thoughts and horrors rushed trough my head. Fuck. I sprinted down the hall and almost flew down the stairs. If something had happened I had to hurry. Maybe something with Voldemort...
I came to a stand in front of the potions masters door.
"Professor?" I knocked on the door.
"Profes-" the door swung open and I almost lost my balance.
"Get in here, (y/l/n)!" he growled. Wooooow. Wait a minute! Was he mad at me?! Wait, why? I was paralyzed for a second.
"I do not wish to repeat myself!" his voice was low and extremely angry.
I stepped inside his office.
"What is going o-"
"Shut your mouth (y/l/n)! You know exactly what is going on!" He barked at me making me back up against his table.
"No, I don't know-"
"Haven't I told you to shut up?! How can one be so ignorant! You risk everything, only to screw Draco Malfoy?! Haven't you-"
"Stop right there! I would never do such a thing!"
"Hah!" he laughed humorlessly.
"Don't even try to ly to me! Murtel has set the entire third floor underwater because she saw you and got jealous!"
It hit me like a fucking train.
"Professor Sna-"
"I'm not done with you yet! How da-"
"LISTEN TO ME!" I yelled at him.
"I was only trying to get information out of Malfoy! Information YOU," I poked his chest with my finger. "won't give me!"
"And that's why you are sleeping with him? Do you do this to anybody who you want something from?! The dark lord wi-"
I raised my hands holding his head in between my palms. With every bit of power I had, I forced the memory of the situation and how I felt about it into his head. Only the contact made it possible, he was the strongest occlumenc I had ever seen.
Snape was standing behind me watching. Struggling against the memory. He saw as I walked into the bathroom and how the plan in my head formed, how Malfoy threatened me and how I acted and finally left, a disgusting feeling creeping through my body.
As the memory ended we both stood in the office again. Professor Snape's eyes where widened his mouth slightly open. Then as if he was torn out of a dream. He Snapped back to reality. He pulled away immediately.
His eyes had a similar look, as they had the day we meet on the astronomy tower, after Slughorn's party but only this time it was more intense... I couldn't define it.
"You should leave now, we will talk this through tomorrow," he breathed hoarsely.
Without a second thought, I left his office. What the freak did just happen?

(A/N): Yeah, what the freak did just happen?! Tell me in the comments! And if you liked this chapter please don't hesitate to vote! 🖤

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