Chapter 75 ~hold on~

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!!!Trigger warning!!! Self-harm!!!
Lyric-Split sadly this whole chapter is not readable for you, If you want me to I will give you a quick summary in the comments.

I stepped into the darkness of the little bathroom. My hands were shaking, tears streamed down my face. The blade was still at the same place... I never put it elsewhere. My heartfelt heavy and my body numb. I looked into the mirror for a second. How I hated this person. Then I closed the door and locked it I didn't want Severus to come back and see me like this if I didn't notice he had arrived. I opened up the box and took the blade out.
I slid it over my arm where the dark mark had been. I was worthless, useless, a burden for everyone who got close to me, and obviously a monster. The pictures of Christine and that little boy started to rush through my mind. Why?
I sobbed, shivering so badly that my hand slipped the next cut was deeper than it was supposed to be... It started to heavily bleed. I felt the stinging pain and knew that if I wouldn't stop the bleeding fast I would bleed out.
Maybe this is what my faith was, dying in the little dark bathroom of my parent's house lying in my own blood finally getting what I deserved. My legs gave out and I kneeled down onto the ground.

Sever us pov.
When I came back I carried a small luggage. I didn't want to stay here I always felt as if (Y/n) would tell me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore, I waited for the moment in which she would run of with another man. Someone friendlier, younger, better looking, someone who could make her laugh, who didn't have a dark past, some like the man at the pub earlier. I had been struggling at Spinner's End pacing back and forth, not knowing if I should return or not. I couldn't just give up. I really loved this woman and if she wanted to leave me at some point I couldn't hold her.
I knocked on the door. Nothing.
Alright, maybe she was upstairs and couldn't hear me, so I stepped outside the gate again and rung the bell but once again I didn't get a response.
A weird feeling crept over me. This wasn't right. She wouldn't just leave without telling me when she expected me to come back.
I flicked my wand and the door sprung open.
"(Y/n)?" I called.
No response.
I stepped in closing the door behind me.
"(Y/n)?" I called again. Still nothing. The rooms downstairs were empty.
I set my luggage on the floor and walked up the stairs. The door to the two rooms I saw first we're open.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" I called out.
Still getting no response.
There was a tiny hallway that led to two doors. The first door which was straight ahead of me was locked.
"(Y/n), are you in there?" I got no response but I could here a single muffled sob.
"(Y/n)?" I had a bad feeling about this.
"I will come in now!" I said. Unlocking the door with a flick of my wand. As I opened the door it was immediately blocked by something the room was very dark so I didn't immediately recognize what it was until I looked to the ground where the incoming light hit the thing that blocked the door. It was (Y/n) leg.


My heart stopped for a moment. I had seen this scenario before. Tears started to when up in my eyes.
I pushed the door open as much as I could. No this was not happening!!! It couldn't be, she promised!
I dropped to the floor next to her. The bathroom was so small that I barely could.
"(Y/n)?" I choked.
She didn't respond. I felt that my legs and knees were wet.
"Lumos" as the room got enlightened. I realized it was her blood I was kneeling in. I shivered in horror. With shivery hands, I turned her around, feeling her puls. At first, I could not feel anything. Tears ran down my face as I managed to feel a week plus.
"Hold on, " I begged her.
I pushed my wand against her arm.
Making the gaping wound which she heavily bled out of close. She lost so much blood... I picked her numb body up.
"Please, don't leave me!" I begged. I could not loos her! I carried her over to one of the open rooms and laid her down onto the bed. She needed a haematosis potion. I knew I still had one at Spinner's End.
"Stay with me. I will be right back I told the unconscious woman.
I apperated to my house. Rushing inside. It had to still be there, please let it still be there!
I opened up the cabinet in which I kept my potions. Where is it?! The second I found the healing potion I immediately apperated back to the room I just came from.
She was still lying there as white as the sheets. I hurried over to her side.
"You need to take this. I can't lose you!" I told her tears whelming up again. I opened her mouth slightly pouring the potion into it than making her swallow. This had to work. Please, make it work!

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