Chapter 70 ~endgame~

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After a few seconds, we carefully parted.
He looked deep into my eyes apparently waiting for my reaction.
A big smile crept on my still-wet face. I must be grinning like an idiot.
As he saw my happiness Severus cracked an honest smile too.
"It's not over yet," I mumbled my smile fading.
"I need to go back out there."
"I won't let you go alone. I have almost lost you before I won't let anything happen to you again," Severus said getting up. The tears had fully healed him.
"You just came back from the dead... Maybe we won't be that lucky next time. I can't lose you again..." I gave back with pleading eyes. Getting up too.
"This is greater than one life, Voldemort needs to be stopped," he told me.
I nodded.
"We are in the endgame now... Please be careful and trust me,"  I begged him.
"I will," he gave back grabbing my hand apparating. Yes, the antiapparating spell was lifted off the castle we arrived at the castle's patio. Where all fighters seemed to come together.
"It's Snape!" someone screamed. But immediately got shut down by Minerva to the surprise of everyone but me.
"You told her?" Severus asked.
I nodded. He glittered his teeth. But before he could respond Voldemort and his death eaters marched in.
This was the final battle...
I stepped up into the front and so did Nevil.
"Harry Potter is dead!" Tom screamed laughing.
"(Y/n)  don't you think you stand on the wrong side?" he asked me. Then his gaze fell onto Severus.
"Avada Kedavera," the light rushed towards him. But I stepped in between him and the curse. My hands raised, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice...
But the curse rebounded of the shield I had intuitively summoned. Hitting a death eater near Tom.

"Who do you think you are Tom?" I asked coldly.
Both the sides gasped.
"Did you really believe killing Severus would give you the power over the Elder wand? Severus never had the power over it. But Draco Malfoy had. He disarmed Dumbledore on the astronomy tower it's not about killing the last owner, it's about defeating him." I purposely let out that Potter now was the owner of the elder wand. He wasn't dead I knew it and to keep it that way I had to keep Voldemort's attention off him.
"How dare you talk to the dark led like that, filthy half-blood?!" Bellatrix screamed.
"So you are telling me Draco Malfoy is the owner of the elder wand, while he is standing right in front of me?" Oh, he implied he wanted to kill him... My hands started to tingle while my whole body prepared to attack.

 My hands started to tingle while my whole body prepared to attack

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"Draco is on my side, so he won't die today. Narcissa, choose wisely," I said in a low voice.
"Attack, " Voldemort screeched and his death eaters did.
I closed my eyes

and held my hands openly to my sides. I had to protect the students of this school, professor McGonagle, and for most of all Severus.
The energize rushed through me. I felt the power building up.

Severus pov.
What was (y/n) doing? Purposely trying to get killed? But her hands, her hands started sparking and smoking. She said I should trust her...
Then the dark lord gave the command to attack I took out my wand in a matter of seconds.
But none of the curses hit us. (Y/n) who had started to levitate by now shielded them? She rose up higher and an aura of golden l light build up around her just as the fire she had summoned before.

(Like this but with a golden, not blue coloration)

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(Like this but with a golden, not blue coloration)

Third-person pov.
She was rising above the ground. Potter knew they would be no better moment so he rolled of Hagrid's arm and ran onto the other side of the barrier that (y/n) was holding up. As the death eaters tried they failed.
Voldemort tried to apparate with his snake but it wasn't possible. (Y/n)'d magic had replaced the antiapparation spell.
Nobody would leave this would be the end of the fight.
Right now it would be decided who would win.
Potter stood beneath (Y/n).
"Let's end this tom!" He yelled then he fired a curse. Severus, Minerva, and others had started throwing courses at the death eaters in front of them.
The barrier only worked one way around, which was very useful.
"Nevil!" (Y/n) screamed and Nevill knew what to do. He got the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and went for Nagini.
"Draco, bring them here!"
Draco went to the edge of the barrier. "Mother, father come over!" He yelled at them.
"I don't think so, " Bellatrix said aiming for them.
"Avada-" but she didn't get any further. (Y/n) had thrown her against the wall behind her. Narcissa rushed over to her child shielding herself from the flying curses but Lucius seemed unsure. After a bit of overthinking, he seemed to have a change of heart when a curse flew by him and missed him by only inches.
Nevil had managed to defeat the snake. Voldemort was taken aback.
Then aimed at Potter again. They had one final showdown then Voldemort was hit by his own Avada Kedavera since Potter won pushing it back onto him. He fell onto his knees fading into dust. (Y/n) reared up one final time making all the death eaters fly back onto the ground and into the wall. Shutting their lights out. She levitated back to the ground.

(Y/n) pov.
My feet hit the ground again. I never thought that there were such powers within me. I had acted instinctively. But the many emotions, the loss the anger the love, especially from one particular person, around me had fed into my power. I never knew it could reach such heights but I had to protect Severus at any cost. Plenty of the fighters rushed over to the laying death eaters to secure them.
I turned around only I hear a deep voice. "(Y/n)," I heard Severus call out from beside me, as he rushed towards me.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes, yes I am. Are you?"
At this moment Draco and his parents stepped up to me.

A/N: Tell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know. (Who knows the song reference? 😁)

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