Chapter 21 ~rest well~

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Ever since this first meeting with the dark lord. I gave up on life. A few meetings followed but I was never in their focuse. I started shutting down totally. The guilt I felt towards Christine's death made me go crazy. Dumbledore had me join the order of the phoenix and had a few talks with me always telling me how important it was that I didn't give up now, that I had to keep my act up and that I had to trust Professor Snape.
Why would I suddenly stop trusting my potions Master?
I didn't trust myself though. My hate towards myself rose into endless demensions.
I looked like a mess since I barely slept. The nightmares where to painful for me to bare.
I was sitting in the library trying to study, to get my mind off of things, when the dark mark on my arm started burning. I pressed my eyes together. Why couldn't it just stop?
I got up and headed out of the library. I had to leave the grounds in order to apparate.
On my way to the Great gate Professor Snape cough up to me, a stern expression planted on his face.
He walked next to me in silence.
When we reached the gate he muttered something to the gate and it opened up.
Something about his behavior worried me. It was like he knew something bad was comming.
We both apparated.
A split second later we were standing in front of Riddle manor once again.
My professor swung his wand and the gate swung open, once we stepped through it it closed itself again. We walked up to the front door and headed right to the dining room.
When we entered the room I felt a wave of pain hit me. This was the room I murdered my best friend in. I kept all of my emotions on lock down and stayed focused.
"How is it possible that two of you, weren't able to kill on pathetic little mudblood?" Voldemorts voice boomed through the room.
"We are sorry, my lord but he put up a fight and we..."
"crucio," Voldemorts cutted Goye off, who tryed to explain himself.
Goyle immediately started to cry out in pain. He fell to the floor screaming.
"pathetic," the dark lord hissed. Then he ended the curse.
"Severus." he directed his attention to my potions master.
"Any new information about what Dumbledore does when he leaves the castle?"
"I'm afraid he is keeping it a secret, my lord" Professor Snape replied emotionless.
"But isn't it your propose, to finde those information out?" Voldemort asked angered.
"Dumbledore has been very isolated lately. It is almost impossible to get the needed information, my lord," he still sounded perfectly cold.
"You are supposed to be one of my most loyal servants, Severus. How very disappointing that you have failed me. Crucio!" It happened in a matter of seconds. The red light hitted my professor, but instead of falling to the floor screaming he held on to the table his hands had been placed on. He had lowered his head, which his hair shielding his face from the others view. I wanted to tell Voldemort to stop, to leave him alone, but I had to keep quiet. A cracking noise echoed through the room. It sounded pretty much like a rib...
"Finite," Voldemort hissed. My professor lifted his head looking at the dark lord.
"Get me those information, Severus," He said dismissing him with a throwing gesture.
Then he looked at me giving me a slight nod.
I was allowed to leave too.
Professor Snape rose from his seat and headed out of the room, but not without another calm and collected.
"Yes, my lord."
I stood up and walked to his side
Once we left the room I noticed him decreasing his walking paste.
We left the manor and walked towards the main gate. Before the professor could pull out his wand I had opened the gate with a flick of mine. We stepped in front of the gate a few meters into the woods.
I grabbed the professors arm.
"What do you think you are doing, (y/l/n)?" he hissed at me.
"With all due respect sir, you are injured. You shouldn't apparate on your own," I replied.
"I don't need your help"
"But I still want to give it to you. Please let me apparat us back. Trust me," I told him. He gave me a somewhat annoyed maybe even a bit confused look. I could see the pain in his eyes even though he hid it pretty good.
Since the professor didn't response I took his left arm layed it over my shoulder and layed my right arm around his torso too keep him and especially his ribs steady.
He immediately stiffened and pulled back, starting to complain to me, but I just apparated us back.
When we appeared at the great gate my professor stumbled slightly. I held him up keeping his weight on me.
"You need to get healed, sir," I told him.
"No, we need to report to professor Dumbledore," he said pulling away from me, flinching for a split second.
"Let me help you, to get to Madam Pomfrey," I pleaded him.
"Let go of me, (y/l/n). It's not your concern, if I get treatment or not," he hissed, trying to free his arm.
But I had him on lock down. What should I say, leverage. Works every time, no matter how much stronger your opponent is.
"Why don't you just admit that you need help?" I asked him getting furious.
"I. Do. Not. Need. Help. And especially not yours!" he gave back a hiss.
"I might be worthless, but I'm not a stupid brat," I hissed back.
"Let me just help you."
"Why are you insisting on it?" he shot back getting frustrated.
"Because. I. Care. Believe it or not I bloody care!" Not only my professor, but also I myself was kind of shocked about my little emotional breakout. But it was true I genuinely cared about him. He comforted me after "the incedent", saved my life and was actually a decent human being.
"Don't make me laugh, (y/l/n)," he responded dryly.
"Laugh how much you want sir that won't make it any less true," I stood my ground.
He huffed.
"I will inform professor Dumbledore about what happened. You can still talk about the details tomorrow morning, when your ribs are healed.
Let me at least bring you to your chambers. I'm sure you have a healing potion there."
He sternly stared at the ground for a few seconds.
"If it will make you shut up," he mumbled not in his usually sharp tone, but some what defeated.
"It will, sir. You will have to open the gate though. I'm not part of the staff, it won't open for me," I told him.
He mumbled a few words to the gate making it open. The walk was quite a bit with my professor leaning on me. I felt how he tried to not rest his weight on me. But I continuesly supported him. We walked through the castle entrance, heading towards the dungeons and somehow managed to reach his office.
"You should leave now," my professor told me.
"Not until I know you are savely inside of your quarters, with the healing potion inside of your body, since I don't think you would want me to perform a healing spell on you, sir,"I told him.
"You are pushing your luck, (y/l/n)," he grouled.
"Professor, please. I won't stop bothering you if you don't let me."
"You truly are annoying," he muttered.
He whispered a password to his office door and it swung open. We stepped into his office and I conducted him towards the door leading to his private rooms.
"I can handle it from here," he told me.
I gave him a look telling him I would stand outside of his chambers yelling all night, not leaving him alone, if he would keep on resisting.
"This is ridiculous," my professor huffed. Then he unlocked the door to his chambers. I didn't even try to understand the password that would have been very rude.
Once I stepped through the door a book filled living room with a hug dark couch and two armchairs was revealed.
"Incendio," I whispered and a fire lit up in the fireplace.
I pushed my professor over to the couch.
"I will give you a quick scan professor. I need to know, if your ribbs are the only thing demaged," I told him. He just stared into the fire.
I performed the spell two of his ribs were broken, one also gave his lungs slight damage. This had to be fixed right away. I didn't want him to die of a lung embolism.
"I will have to perform a healing spell on you, sir. If I don't, the chances are pretty high that you suffer from a lung embolism. Are you sure you don't want me to get Madam Pomfrey?" I asked him.
He nodded.
"Episkey," cracking noise was heard. Professor Snape flinched for a split second. It was barely noticeable.
"In which cabnet do you keep your potions?" I asked.
"Last one on the right in my office," he responder no longer resisting.
"Don't even think about closing the door on me. I will bombarda it open if I have to," I told him dead serious.
He didn't respond just kept on looking into the fire, a cold expression on his face.
I went out of his quarters back into the office. A painkiller potion and a healing potion would do. After grabbing those two, I went back into Professor Snape's livingroom.
He was stil sitting at the same spot on his sofa. I handed him the potions.
"I won't need this one," He looked at the painkilling one.
"You will sleep better if you take it sir and won't be as sore tomorrow," I told him.
"Miss (y/l/n), I..."
"It will help you to "rest well"... " I told him."Rest well" those were the words he told me when he gave me the sleeping drought on that dreadful day, I became a death eater.
He looked at me. He too remember his words and without hesitation. He took both of the potions and chugged them down, placing the vials on the little table in front of him.
I summoned my black tea cup, one of my teabags and my teapot. Snape gave me an irritated look.
"aguamenti, " I thought and the pot filled with water. It was a magical self heating pot. So the water was hot in no time. The pot hovered above the cup, which already held the teabag.
The hot water got poured into the cup.
I made the teapot disappear and the cup land on the table in front of professor Snape.
"Good night, sir," I told him softly. He didn't even bother to look at me, just stared at the teacup.
I reassured that he was alright now and left his chambers and office.
Then I walked up to the headmaster office to go ahead and report what happened to Dumbledore.

A/N: Well, I'm sick and bored so I wrote a longer chapter. Please as always telle your opinion and vote, if you liked the chapter.
Until next time. 🙃

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