Chapter 50 ~black smoke~

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Warning: contains content that can be disturbing to some readers!

I had been very down since the cake incident but always tried my best to seem happy and cheerful... After all, my feelings towards my professor weren't that easily changeable.
It was late about half-past eleven pm when my dark mark started burning.
He was calling. The abduction would take place... I grabbed my mask and walked out of the castle, hurrying towards the main gate.
As Professor Snape was very important for Voldemort he would never send him to such a mission.
I was on my own.
I apparated to the dark lord immediately after I was off school grounds.
Riddle manor... Oh, how I hated this place.
I walked in with quick long steps the same facial expression Professor Snape always had... None.
When I walked into the dining hall. There were already two death eaters, one of them being Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Ah, (y/n), " the dark lord greeted me.
"Greyback," he called.
From the hallway came the werewolf.
"You shall fly to Walter Higgins. Bellatrix you are taking the lead.
I want Higgins unharmed and make bis family suffer."
Bellatrix giggled maniacally.
I shivered on the inside... There would be a child involved in this.
"Now leave and don't fail mem" while Voldemort said this his eyes were focused on me especially.
Did he know something wasn't right?
We walked out of the house and turned into black smoke. I did it as professor Snape taught me and it worked perfectly. I followed Bellatrix lead. Oh, how I hated myself.
We flew into a little tow. Bellatrix broke through the window of a house, greyback trough another. So this was the house.
I went in through the same window Bellatrix went through. It was the about three years old's bedroom. No. No. No. Everything but not Lestrange in this room.
"Now watch and learn, little half blood brat!" She told me.
"Wake up little one it is playtime, " Bellatrix squealed.
The boy woke up. As he laid eyes on Bellatrix his eyes widened in horror and he started to scream. Hearing his parents screams made him panic even more.
"Mom!" He hysterically cried.
No. No. No. Please no.
"Na, na, na. Is this how we should great aunt Bella? It's time we teach you some manners, " Bellatrix said in her sing-song, childlike voice.
"Crucio!" The toddler started to scream violently and cramp under the effect of the curse. No. Please make it stop. I couldn't do anything.
The door busted open and the mother ran in, her husband obviously fighting off Grayback.
"Stop!" She screamed.
"Handle her!" Lestrange screamed at me.
I stepped right in front of her. Getting between her and the woman. Several spells were thrown at me. I blocked them. But then it hit me. I stepped aside letting one spell slip through. Bellatrix, who was busy torturing the innocent child, got hit by the stupor and thrown against the wall behind her. I shielded the rest of the spells. Lestrange got back up now lunging at the mother in pure rage.
"Avada Kedavera, " She yelled. The woman fell to the ground dead.
"And now back to you, " Bellatrix said turning to the barely breathing child. The door opened Greyback came in the father handcuffed with a sack over his head in front of him.
I knew what I had to do... But I didn't know if I was strong enough.


"Avada Kedavera" The green light hit the child. It was over. She couldn't hurt him anymore. He was dead.
"How dare you..." Bellatrix screamed.
"We need to leave Bellatrix!" Greyback said.
Lestrange stepped to the window and cast the dark mark into the sky. We all turned into black smoke again, Greyback carried Mr. Higgins.
I would have to pay for what I just did.
We reached Riddle manor again. Voldemort liked to intimidate his new recruits anyway. But since I did something that dissatisfied Bellatrix I was done.
We landed, stepped into the manor and walked into the dining hall.
"Bring him downstairs, " was all Voldemort said as we stepped in. He was sitting in his throne-like chair watching the scene.
Greyback immediately obeyed taking Mr. Higgins away. Bellatrix and I stepped in front of the dark lord.
"My lord, " Lestrange said.
And I knew what was going to come.
"(Y/l/n) didn't have my back! We almost failed because of her. I got hurt because of her! And she killed the child off before I could have my fun!"
She whined.
"(Y/n), " he hissed getting up.
"Why did you have to disappoint me at your first mission?"
"My lord-"
"Crucio!" The curse hitter me and I fell onto my knees. With everything, I had I keeper myself from screaming. The pain was unbearable.
"Speak, " he said taking the curse off me.
"I shielded Bellatrix but one spell went through my barrier. She didn't shield herself at all so she got hit, " I said coldly but obedient.
Voldemort searched for the scene in my head as I made my barrier invisible with the last bit of strength that I had left.
"You may leave (y/n), Bella has done you wrong, " He said now calm again as if he had never tortured me.
"Yes, my lord, " I said getting up as elegant as I could. Not letting them see how bad it hurt. I had to seem cold and controlled.
I walked out of Riddle manor a bit slower than normal. Keep it together.
I stepped into the forest. Focus!!!
I gave my last bit to apparate.
I collapsed onto the ground at the main gate. I tried to get up but failed. Tears started to stream down my face. I just stood there and let Bellatrix torture that little child. And then, then I killed him.
I was too weak. I couldn't do it anymore.
"Miss (y/l/n)"
No. No. No.
"(Y/n)" a soft voice said in front of me.
I couldn't raise my head. I really wanted to but I couldn't.
My upper body got lifted off the ground.
"What happened?"
I couldn't say one word but I looked deep into the black eyes of my professors. His touch gave me strength. The memory of what just happened floated through my head into his. His eyes widened. After the memory was over I closed my eyes again. Tears started streaming down my face again.
"I'm... sorry," I chocked up.
"I'm sorry."
"Sht, it's okay. It's okay (y/n), it's not your fault." He picked me up from the ground carrying me back to the caste. Repeating what he had mumbled, again and again, calming me down as everything slowly faded to black and my body went numb.

A/N: This was intense... Please tell me your opinion... I need to know. 🥺

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