Chapter 23 ~very well~

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Third person pov.
"She really seems to care about you, Severus."
"Oh, she cares, about her grads, I assume."
"As far as I'm informed her grade in potions is an Outstanding. Not quite improvable..."
Snape gave Dumbledore an irritated look.
"Well even if (y/l/n) does, she won't no more after I fulfilled you desires..." he said. His facial expression turned harder and colder with every word he said.
"I don't think so, Severus. She has noticed my weakening. If there is someone, who can put two and two together, because they aren't blinded by their hate, it is her," Dumbledore told the man in front of him.
Snape gave Dumbledore an irritated look.
"I don't understand her, Albus," he said almost in a resignated way.
"Well, she cares about you, as if you were one of her friends," Dumbledore told him.
"But I am not! She is a student, who got way too involved."
"But isn't she very different from the other students? And she is working at your side now," The headmaster said.
"Indeed," Snape replied.
"Maybe, it won't hurt to befriend her. I see no problem in it, it could also help you and our mission during the war."
"If that is all I shall leave now. I have students to teach," Snape replied.
"That will be all Severus."

Your pov.
(Slughorn was ill, so Professor Snape had to take over his classes)
"Today you will be bruing the following potion," professor Snape said sharply. He looked way better then yesterday evening and that helped my concern a lot.
After the first few ingredients showed up on the board, I immediately knew, which potion it was. amortentia.
This would be easy. After what happened to professor Snape yesterday, my mind got taken off of things a lot. So I was perfectly focused.
I heard great mumbling around the classroom. Really? They didn't know which potion it was?! Jesus Christ...
I got up and got myself my ingredients.
"Which potion is it (y/l/n)?" a Gryffindor asked me. Oh, now they could talk to me?
"No idea," I coldly replied.
"Of course you got an idea. Tell me!" he told me in a threatening voice.
"Shal I be intimidated now? Because if I should be you have to try harder, McCants," I gave back.
"Thinking your something better, (y/l/n)?! Typically Slytherin, but I wouldn't be so brave, if I was you. Nobody got your back," he hissed trying to stare me down. He tryed to provoke me. Adorable.
"McCants. Twenty points from Griffindor for idiotic behavior towards a fellow student," my professor must have appeared right behind me, because McCants stared at a point behind me wide eyed.
"I just asked a simple question and (y/l/n) called me an idiot," he went right ahead lying. I turned to see professor Snape standing right behind me we stood inches apart. I could smell the sandalwood note of his aftershave...
I leaned back slightly giving Snape space. Now I was almost sitting on my table. My professor looked dead into my eyes. Then he turned to McCants again.
"Miss (y/l/n), did, no such thing. Another ten points will be taken from Griffindor for your insufferably stupid attempt of a lie and now work," professor Snape hissed at him, making him turn around to his table again.
He left without giving me another look.
I turned to work on my potion. Did professor Snape just got slightly more mad than usual? I mean he hated Griffindor's, but he looked like he was ready to kill... XD quiet amusing actually.
I cutted, squished and cubed all of the ingredients. Knowing the recipe by heart, I didn't even bother to open up my book.
After an hour my potion was complete. Amortentia smelles like the things you love the most, but for some reason I didn't smell anything. It was like the smell of the room had intensivied. Was professor Snape somewhere close to me? Sandalwood, herbs, earl grey tea, black coffee, old books... This was weird apparently my taste was quiet similar to the one of my potions master and my passion for potions was so strong that I actually smelled the general smell of the potions classroom.
Supriesingly it seemed quite natural to me now that I thought about it. This castle was the closest thing to home I would ever get, even though most students treated me like a pathetic idiot.
"Miss (y/l/n)." I heard the deep voice of my potions master right in front of me.
"Yes, sir?" I replied, looking up at him questioningly.
"Have you completed your potion?" he asked not as sharp as he usually did.
"I indeed have, sir," I gave back.
"very well," he told me. He gave my cauldron a critical look. I saw him inhale a bit of the potions scent. For a second he looked slightly irritated, maybe even confused. Did I do something wrong?
"Ten points for Slytherin. You may clean up and go," he told me, his face somehow hardend.
"sir?" I looked at him with a worried expression on my face.
"Is everything alright?"
"That's not your concern. Now clean up and leave," he barked back.
I was taken aback. We got along so well, since the incident...
"As you wish," I gave him back. I felt my voice tremble slightly, but gained back control over myself. Snape left my table and I hurried to clean up and leave.

A/N: Helloooo, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. As always please vote if you did and drop your ideas and opinions in the comments... Maybe you noticed something... Just saying.
Until tomorrow. 🙃

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