Chapter 30 ~No!~

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"Miss (y/l/n)." I heard my professor call. He was following me. I started to run. I couldn't bear his sigh right now. My mind cleared up and I realized what had just happened.
I almost committed suicide and of all people professor, Snape saved me.
Hearing running footsteps behind me I figured Snape started running. Fuck. I have for the entry to reach the grounds.
"Miss (y/l/n), wait!" I heard my professor growl behind me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I ran out of the door heading for the dark forest. My mind was completely numb. I couldn't think straight. My lungs felt like they were on fire but I just wouldn't stop.
I ran straight into the forest deeper and deeper breaking heavy. Snap behind me. I was deep into the forest when currently out of nowhere the head of a lion appeared out of a bush. No. This can't be. The rest of the animal shoed. A Chimaera. Only one wizard ever defeated a chimaera and he died soon after of exhaustion. Those were bloodthirsty extremely dangerous animals. Where was my wand? I most have lost it. Freak me.
I heard professor Snape catching up to me. Breathing heavily.
"Miss (y/l-" but he didn't get any further. The chimaera, which was dangerously growling at me, images caught his eye.
I saw his expression change rapidly. He immediately stepped in front of me, pushing me back. He reaching for his wand... But there was no wand... He seemed to have left it on the astronomy tower... I saw him tense up.
"Stay behind me, " he whispered. Not moving one bit. The chimaera roared. Fuck. I will not let him do this. My nightmare won't come true!
The animal roared again then it jumped. Snape had one arm behind him holding me there safely and I used that to my advantage. With a quick motion, I pulled him back. Now standing in front of him, raising both of my armes protectively above my head.
"No!" I heard my professor exclaim.
"I have to protect him," was all I could think. No matter what happened he had to walk out of here alive!
I closed my eyes. All of this happened really quickly while the animal was jumping but for me, it happened in slow motion.
When I opened eyes again a protective shield in the form of a bubble had formed around me and my professor the chimaera bounced against it. Then it went to strike my shield.
"Argh, " I choked slightly. I had to use a lot of power that I currently didn't have to keep my shield up.
When my professor realized what happened he seemed shocked but nevertheless concerned since he knew which creature we were dealing with and I was struggling. My arms began to shiver my whole body shook.
"You need to focus, " Snape told me calmly in a surprisingly soft voice.
My breathing rate went up quite a lot. I started to feel dizzy.
"You have to keep going (Y/n), " he said now using my first name.
Suddenly I felt two huge warm hands supporting me, one on my back and one beneath my elbow. It reminded me of how he supported me that one dreadful night. But I didn't have time for that kind of thoughts right now. I felt a sudden boost of energy creeping into my body from those two points the professor was stabilizing me from. It was a warmth that spread through my whole body. The shield grew stronger and the chemaera seemed to be electrocuted by it. It was like little lightning bolts striking it when it came closer. I slightly moved my left hand trying to shock the animal. And to my amazement, I was able to throw a stupor at it. It was thrown against a tree and dropped to the ground unconscious. I lowered my arms. My vision was getting blurry. Everything started to spin around me and finally turned black.

Third-person pov.
(Y/n) fainted right after the chemaera was out. Snape caught her since he already was backing her up, checking her plus and breathing. He didn't know how long the animal would be knocked out so he decided to carry (y/n) back to the castle immediately. Still shocked because she was more than willing to get eaten by a chemaera to protect him. She did try to kill herself, but she seemed to have cleared up and of course, it was much different from jumping off a tower or get eaten alive. Why did she care?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. As always please tell me your opinion on this on the comments and vote, if you liked it.
Until next time 😉

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