Chapter 37 ~devils don't fly~

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Today was new year's eve. I had decided to go onto the astronomy tower and spend the night there watching the stars. Maybe with some wine to "celebrate". It was weird that even after what had happened none this tower it still was like a magical magnet for me and I just really enjoyed being up there.
I took a blanket with me to sit on it and walked up the stairs. I laid the blanket in front of one of the openings then I stepped forward to the balustrade. During the last days maybe even weeks I had come to a realization that really made me feel desperate... And just like everything was so heavy... I didn't just respect my d.a.d.a professor, it was not like I just thought he was sympathetic... I really liked him, like way too much. Just to be clear: Yes, for God knows how long I had fallen head over heels for Professor Snape! Like why the fuck? It's not like I'm a mess already... Nooo, I had to fall for the one man who would never even consider me as an option... Great!
I felt the depression kick in. But after all, I had promised something... I looked up at the sky. And put my headphones into my ears softly humming along to the song it played.

It made my eyes water up so I quickly cut it off. The image of Snape on the opening in the woods, the moonshine illuminating his figure, formed inside of my head. The emotions of the moment started to play inside of me and of course, I have been scared but when I noticed that Snape had been the dark figure in front of me I had felt safe. Like nothing could ever happen to me.

I suddenly had this feeling of warmth and power again...
"Okay let's try something..." I mumbled then I raised my hand. I focused on the palm of my hand and felt the magic flow towards the area. A fireball, flames coming out on top of it formed in my hand.

"Holy crab..."
I lifted my other hand up.
"Come on... You can do it!" I told myself inside my head. Focus! Concentrate! The magic spread to the other arm and hand... And... I made it! Both of my hands were holding the fire now. What if... I made a throwing motion towards the sky and the fireball flew into the night. Jesus fucking Christe!
This was outrageous! Am I freaking going mad?
I took my hands down as the flames died down and headed for the blanket I had placed on the ground.
Sitting down I looked up at the stars... It was so beautiful up here. I pulled out my phone. Since there was no net out here it was mostly useless but I could still play music on it and check the time! It was 11:55 pm. Almost there.
"I wish you were here. I'm so sorry," I mumbled looking at the sky.

"And if I only could

I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places..." I said in a sing sang the voice. Yes, if I could I would take her place... But I can't...
All I could do was not let her sacrifice go to waste! I wiped my drippy eyes.
"Controle your emotions!" I hissed at myself.
As I tried to get rid of those thoughts something else crossed my mind. Did I only have a stupid schoolgirl crush? Woooow... and onto your other problems (y!/l/n)...
Well, let's find out if I am completely screwed...
"Expecto Patronum" an animal formed but to my shock, it was not my usual Patronus... It was a black panther, with very familiar eyes...

Alright then

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Alright then... I'm screwed!

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