Chapter 18 ~issues~

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It was two o'clock by now. I had slept about three more hours and was sitting on my bed in my dormitory right now.
There was one question bothering me.
Why did Professor Snape save me? He risked his position and probably his life to save me, one of his insufferable students... I came to the conclusion that I had been right about him the entire time, he indeed was a decent human being. I was really thankful and quite impressed as well. He just came up with a perfectly believable story out of nowhere.
Even though I often thought about just ending it all, I was happy to be saved.
In an hour I would have to train my occlumency skills again.
There were no "clean" memories left in my head. So basically no memories, which didn't include him or any of my "issues". I didn't want the professor to see me weak. He would believe I was pathetic, which I probably was...
The whole pressure of my upcoming introduction to the dark lord, my family problems, the fact that my best friend was still missing and my social issues (no one at Hogwarts really liked me, since I was a Slytherin and a muggle-born as well.) crashed down on me. It was almost unbearable, but I pushed my thoughts away and stood up.
I needed to move, wander around the castle a little to free my head.
I walked out of the dungeons and into the long corridors of the castle. Trying to think of things I could show my professor...
The time went by quickly and I had to hurry back to my professor's office.
I knocked on the door.
"enter, " I heard him from the inside.
I opened the door and walked in.
"Hello, sir," I politely greeted.
He spun around, catching me of the guard.
I immediately started shoot memories at him, that's why they weren't as carefully selected as the once this morning.
Me sitting in his potions class smirking about a comment he made, me telling my classmates to shut their mouths because they are talking crap about him and as if that wasn't already bad enough my mother appeared in front of my inner eyes. I immediately pulled the memory back trying to conceal it ever showed up but then I heard her booming voice and the mocking laughter of my stepfather. "YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! RESPECT ONLY GOES ON WAY! YOU RESPECT US AND NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!" while she screamed she brought a soup ladle down onto my head and arms, which I held protectively over my head. "YOU ARE SUCH A..." but she didn't get any further. I caught my self and threw another memory at my professor me in the woods hiding from my grandparents as a child the feeling of safety floated through my head at that memory.
Professor Snape left my head my eyes which I had closed, to stay focused, shot open again.
"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't intend to..."
"Your barrier wasn't visible, we should focus on making up new memories like you finding your birth certificate, to show to the dark lord," he cut me off.
"Birth certificate?" I asked in a confused manner, which caused my potions master to explain Dumbledore's plan to me. It was brilliant! Luckily Professor Snape never mentioned what he saw in my head. He probably saw it as weak and pathetic.

A/N: Heyyyy, what do you think?

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Until Tomorrow... Or maybe even later.

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