Chapter 14 ~The first time in years~

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I wanted to cry, scream and let my emotions get the best of me, but I decided not too. It wouldn't help Christine a bit if I freaked out right now.
Dumbledore, I needed to talk to Professor Dumbledore.
"No, he's gone you, stupid idiot," I reminded myself.
Professor McGonagall! I rushed to her office. She might not be my head of the house but she was the closest to someone who could help me as it would get.
I rushed over to her office but in a calm controlled manner.
After knocking on the door she allowed me to enter.
"I'm guessing you came to see me because of what happened to Miss Gladstone, Miss (y/l/n) ?" the Professor asked me. I noticed the daily prophet laying on her desk.
"Yes mam', is there anything I can do?" I straight up asked back.
"First off you should stay very calm. There is nothing specific we can do about Miss Gladstone's situation right now," she told me apparently trying to calm me down.
"I already guessed so, thank you for seeing me," I turned to walk away but the Professor laid her hand on my shoulder, holding me back.
"I'm really sorry about your and Miss Gladstone's situation, (y/l/n)," she tried to comfort me.
I nodded and walked out.
I stumbled out of the building not in control of my emotions anymore. The stern mask, I built up through the years, rarely fell off of my face but this was one of that moment and when I reached the black lake I cried the first time for years. I just fell on my knees and cryed. First trying to cover up my mouth to keep myself quiet, then holding onto the tree next to me letting it all out. My only friend, the only person I completely trust and which loves me for who I am, without any psycoterror is gone.
After about two minutes of sobbing, I finally caught myself again. There is a way to get her back. There has to be.
I got off from the ground. My legs were completely sogged wet from the snow beneath them. If not to say numb.
I walked back to the castle not caring about the cold or the stinging snowflakes now falling from the sky.
I entered the castle through the great door and walked down to the Slytherin dormitories. I got into mine and changed my wet pants. Sitting on my bed I tried to clear my mind and straighten up my thoughts.
I was completely clueless about how to save my best friend and I hated it but at least I was calm and collected again.

~time skip to the great exams~

It had been weeks, no months since that dreadful day... I still missed Christine as bad as the day I found out she went missing but I was still completely clueless on what to do about it. I had owned back and forth with Aurors several times but they couldn't tell me more then, "we are doing all we can."
The summer break would start tomorrow. I keep rather quiet the rest of the year, no sassy comments, no acting up against Umbridge, just nothing. I even kept completely silent when it came to Professor Snape.
Now that I was packing my things not wanting to go back to my family because I knew exactly that after a few days of lovey-dovey it would turn into a huge disaster again and everyone would start hating me.
I stood in front of my bed a single tear fell down my cheek, while I placed the only existing picture of me and Christine on top of my clothes in my luggage.
I looked away catching myself again.
The night was uneasy. As always. I had one nightmare after the other. Hunting me down, making me feel more and more vulnerable.
In the morning I went down to the great hall early getting my morning coffee. Very few students already got up too eat breakfast, also were Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick.
I just ignored the existence of all of them and sat down.
When I eventually finished my coffee I stood up and walked back to my dormitory.
I just spend all my time until 12 pm with reading in the library. I got my luggage earlier and it was sitting beside me. Waiting for me to take it with me and so I did.
Heading towards the train station pulled it behind me. Without looking back I got into the train. I wondered how long it would take my family to make me want to give up on life completely.

A/N: So, my dear readers. Since it took me a while to update made this Chapter a bit longer than I usually write them... Please tell me your opinion on it! And if you liked it please do also vote. 😉
Litte spoiler ahead: This summer break will change everything... Let me know your guess...
'till next time.

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