Chapter 47 ~Expectations~

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Severus pov.
The realization hit me hard.
She really cares for me, doesn't she?!
But people that care for me get hurt... Usually from me. No matter how much she cared one day she would realize what kind of monster I am... At the latest after I killed Dumbledore... My chest felt heavy. Killing Albus would be horrible. He was the only one, who I trusted... Besides Minerva and maybe (y/n)... (y/l/n)! I corrected my thoughts.
I didn't want to do this... I couldn't!
And I had to push Miss (y/l/n) away. It was the only way... If she saw anything good in me she would expect good and I wouldn't be able to live up to her expectations.
I got sucked up in my thoughts, my memories and as always Lily made her way into my head. Oh, how I hated myself.

A/N: Just a little chapter quicky to get a glance at the professor's feelings and thoughts!

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