story 4

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I was at home hiding in my room while my dad was passed out on the couch. I didn't want to try to get around him and get in a fight, so I locked myself in here. I heard someone knock on my window. I went to look and Kie stood there with a laundry basket full of clothes and she was crying. I opened the window and she said, "My mom kicked me out. Can I stay with you?"

"Of course.." I said grabbing the basket and then helping her into my room

I closed the window and she cried into my arms. I turned my music up so my dad wouldn't hear her cries and come in. I felt so bad for Kie, she had what I would call the good life. She lived on Figure Eight, had a huge ass house, a nice car, two parents, and lots of money. I never knew how many problems she had with her parents.

We were sitting on my bed and Kie had stopped crying. We were now watching a movie on her phone on Netflix. My dad had left so I went to the kitchen to get us food. I felt awful, I wanted to give her a fancy dinner but my dad never bought food so I made us sandwiches. Kie didn't care, she just appreciated that I made something. She even made a joke about not having moldy bread.

It was late and Kie and I were brushing our teeth and she still hasn't told me what happened with her parents. I didn't want to rush anything as I know it's not the easiest to talk about. She was digging in her laundry basket and she started crying. I went and hugged her and she said, "I don't even have any pajamas.."

I grabbed one of my clean shirts and handed it to her and I also grabbed a pair of shorts for her. She thanked me and changed into them. I smiled and said, "They look so much better on you. But they'd look better on the floor."

She laughed and said, "In your dreams, Maybank."

She got into my bed and I grabbed a blanket and a pillow and laid it on the floor. Kie told me to get my ass in bed and that I wasn't sleeping on the hard floor. I was in bed with Kie and she laid her lead on my chest and I held her and she said, "My mom kicked me out because I told her that I'm a pogue. I just don't understand how my mom could love me less because of who I am. I thought you were supposed to love your kids no matter what."

She was opening up to me. I always sucked at these types of conversations. I sucked at emotions. Kie knew that so I wondered why she was telling me. Then it clicked, I had a shitty family life too. I was lightly playing with her hair and she kept talking.

"I love my parents and I feel bad complaining to you because my parent issues are nothing compared to yours." She said ending her venting session

"Your parents are stupid for this, Kie. They have an amazing daughter and you did nothing wrong. Your parents will realize they were wrong."

We talked for about an hour about this and then I said, "I get it, we're the only two with shitty parents."

"Yeah, that's kinda true but I'm acting like a baby compared to you and what you have to go through. You know I didn't come here because of your dad's problems right?"

"I thought that was why..." I admitted

"No, I didn't know where else to go. You always protect me and I just feel safe with you. You're easy to talk to and you understand me. So thank you, JJ." She said falling asleep on my chest

I eventually fell asleep with Kie in my arms and we woke up at the same time the next morning to my father pounding on the door. We opened the window and bolted to my bike as Kie walked all the way over here. She hated my bike so much but she wrapped her arms around my torso as I took off down the long dirt road. We went to the Wreck and stole some food before they opened and then we went to the beach all day. It was cloudy so no one was there.

That night we went back to my house and my dad was gone. Kie took a shower and then I did too. We were back laying in my bed and Kie and I talked about today. She was curled up next to me again, but tonight I was shirtless. She lightly traced my abs with her finger. I tried to stay calm and relaxed as that was doing things to me. We heard my dad come back so we started to whisper.

She stopped and looked at me and said, "I lied to you. I mean I told you the truth about why I came here, just not the whole truth. The whole truth is.. J.."

She stopped as tears filled her eyes and I was nervous about what was wrong. I was shocked when she finally spoke, "J, I love you and not just as a brother as I do with John B and Pope."

I looked into her eyes and I loved the hair out of her eyes and asked, "Did you say what I think you just said? Or am I totally dreaming right now?"

She laughed and said, "I love you, JJ Maybank and this isn't a dream.."

"Kie, I love you..." I said as our lips grew closer

Our lips touched and the kiss was everything I imagined. We started to make out and she moved onto my lap. I lifted up the shirt she was wearing then I rolled us over so I was on top of her as I kissed every inch of her body.

"Are you sure?" I asked her

"Yes, are you?"

"Hell yes... As long as we're quiet so my dad doesn't come in." I said

"No promises" She said smirking at me. Gosh, she was so beautiful.

There were a few times where I covered her mouth with my hand and it was the hottest thing ever. I woke up to the most beautiful girl sleeping next to me

"Good morning" I said smiling

"Good morning" She said smiling back at me

"No regrets from last night?" I asked just to make sure

"Never... I love you, J"

"And I love you, Kie" I said as I kissed her

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