story 11

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Kiara's POV:

Last night, JJ and his dad got into a huge fight. JJ called me and I brought him over to my house to clean him up. This is the worst I've ever seen him. He was bloody, bruised, and broken.

He didn't want to talk about it but he called me and that meant something. He was going to sneak out through my window but I told him to stay. He said he didn't want to make a big deal about it but I made him stay.

We laid down in my big bed and we kept our distance. JJ fell asleep right away and so did I. We woke up the next morning and JJ asked if he could shower and of course told him he could. He was in my bathroom taking a shower when my mom knocked on my bedroom door.

I went into the bathroom.

"Kiara, what are you doing?" My mom called

"I'm in the shower.." I yelled back

"I need to borrow your shampoo, I ran out and need to shower quickly before going to work."

"One minute.." I said hiding JJ's clothes in the bathroom cupboard and throwing my shirt and bra on the floor

I jumped in the shower with JJ the second my mom opened the door and came into the bathroom. I reached out and handed her my bottle of shampoo and of course she wanted to talk.

"You better not be hanging out with any pogues today. We need your help at the Wreck." Anna said

"I have plans today with JJ, sorry."

"Really, Kiara? You know how I feel about the pogues but that Maybank boy is another story. He got into a massive brawl with his father last night. You need to stay away from him because he is going to end up just like his father and hurt you the way his father hurts him."

My eyes met JJ's and he looked away trying to avoid my eyes but he also wasn't looking at my boobs. I looked at him, all of him. I didn't mean to, but I saw so many bruises all over his body. I fought back tears.

"JJ is nothing like his father. Can we talk about this after I get out of the shower?"

My mom left, slamming the door behind her. I looked back at JJ and he tried to make a joke saying, "Damn, you sure went through a lot just to get to see me naked."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do"

"Relax, Kie. It's no big deal.." He said and I didn't know if he was referring to his bruises or the shower incident

I lightly touched the huge bruise on his hip bone and JJ slightly jumped. But then he relaxed and he looked into my eyes and he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me closer to him.

I was looking into his eyes and he leaned down and he kissed me. I was totally not expecting that but I kissed him back and we started making out. That lasted a few minutes and then we broke the kiss and I just hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there.

I got out of the shower first and went to put clean clothes on JJ came out of the bathroom dressed and then he left through my window without saying anything. I finished getting ready and then I went to John B's and of course, JJ was there.

It was really awkward between the two of us. JJ didn't tell anyone about the fight he had with his dad. He was in one of those moods where he wanted to fight and do stupid shit.

He stormed out of the Chateau with his gun saying he was going to go kill Rafe and Topper for payback. We all told him not to then he said something which scared me. He said he hoped they would kill him.

I told Pope and John B to wait here and I ran after JJ. I called his name and he wouldn't stop walking so I ran after him. He eventually stopped and I said, "JJ, please stop... Tell me what's bothering you."

"Fine because it won't matter after my fight with Rafe and Topper."

"You are not going to go over there."

"Yes, I am.." He protested

"You can't leave me here so either you take me with you or you don't go because I can't lose you JJ. Especially not after this morning..." I said in almost a whisper

This caught JJ off guard. "There is no way that this morning meant anything to you." He spoke

"J, it wasn't supposed to mean anything. Me getting in the shower with you meant nothing until we kissed, then it meant everything. It does mean everything. I'm in love with you, JJ..." I said crying

"Me? There's no way. You could do so much better.." He said turning to walk away

"Maybe I could according to anyone else, but to me, you're the only one I want. I love you" I said hugging him

He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Fuck, I love you, Kie.. I just never thought you could love me."

He kissed me and when the kiss broke, I said, "We should go tell Pope and John B."

"So this is real then?"

"I hope so?" I said

JJ kissed me and then grabbed my hand and we went inside to tell the boys.


I have other Jiara stories. Please check them out!!!

- Closed Door -

- Five Years Later -

- The Kook vs The Pogue -

- Things Aren't the Same -

- Missing You -

- Don't Fall in Love -

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now