story 181

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Kie's POV:

Today was my wedding day. I was marrying a guy that I met in college. His name is William and he was amazing. I was finishing getting ready with my bridesmaids and then we did the first look with William.

We were getting a ton of pictures and I was getting worried as John B, Pope, and JJ weren't here yet. Sarah was my maid of honor and she had been calling them to make sure they got here soon. We were supposed to get pictures before the ceremony.

John B and Pope showed up and I immediately asked, "Where is JJ?"

John B looked down and said, "His dad came back last night. We went to his house to pick him up and it was bad. He slammed the door on us and wouldn't let us inside"

"Is he okay?" I asked worried

"It's JJ, he'll be fine. But he isn't coming to the wedding. His face is pretty messed up" Pope informed me

I tried to let it go and worry about it later but it's JJ. He's my best friend. I took pictures with John B, Pope, Sarah, and Cleo and William joined in too.

"Kiara, are you okay?" My fiancé asked

"Yeah, I'm just worried about JJ" I said to William and all my friends

They all tried to tell me not to worry, it was JJ and he'd be fine, enjoy today it's your wedding day, etc. But my mind couldn't stop thinking about JJ. I was mad at myself because I was so worried about JJ when I should be enjoying my wedding that was about to start.

I still had about an hour before I had to walk down the aisle. I looked at Sarah and said, "I need you to cover for me"

"You're going to go see him, aren't you?"

"I have to... I know he's spiraling and I'm worried about him. He shouldn't be alone. I'll be back before the ceremony starts" I said leaving my bridal suite

I didn't drive here, we had a limo so I borrowed my moms BMW. I drove to JJ's house on the cut and I was trying so hard not to get my dress dirty.

I didn't knock, instead I opened the door and said, "J"

He came around the corner and he was looking down. He looked awful, there was still dried blood on his face. He looked and saw the bottom of my wedding dress and then he looked up until his eyes met mine.

"Kie, you look beautiful... Like a real princess" He said admiring the dress

"Thank you, wish I could same the same about you. What the hell happened?"

"I'm fine, you need to get back to your wedding"

"Not until I know you're okay" I said heading into the bathroom to grab the first aid supplies

We went in his room and sat on his bed as I used rubbing alcohol on cotton balls to clean his wounds. It took about ten minutes to get him all cleaned up. He was all worried that I would get blood on my wedding dress and at this moment, I really didn't care.

I cleaned him all up and when I lifted his shirt to inspect his bruises, I wanted to cry. His abdomen was black and blue. He looked like he was in so much pain.

"What happened?" I whispered

"He's home and he almost killed me" JJ said

He told me all about the fight and I would see the bruises at the base of his throat near is chest. I hugged him and I cried with him.

He wiped my tears with his thumb and he said, "Kie, you can't cry. You're ruining your makeup. Your wedding is supposed to be starting. We need to go"

"Jayg, I have time... Please just let me help" I said going into the kitchen to find him an ice pack

I got ice for his eye and his hand. I sat with him and he told me about why Luke was back and he grabbed my phone as it was blowing up. He said, "Kie, your wedding started ten minutes ago"

"And I'm here with you" I whispered resting my head on his shoulder

"Kie... You shouldn't be here... Your fiancé is waiting for you, everyone is waiting for you. I appreciate you being here to take care of me but you need to go. I'll never forgive myself for ruining your wedding... Come on" He said getting up and he helped me up

He was still holding my hand and we were standing pretty close together. He wiped another tear and he said, "You're the most beautiful bride"

"Not too kooky?" I asked trying to lighten the mood

"Not at all" He said as we were inches apart

I hugged him and stayed in his arms for almost a minute before we broke away. We walked out outside and JJ asked, "Did you seriously walk through all this nasty grass and get your dress dirty?"

"It's just a dress and I had to check on you"

He picked me up bridal style and this isn't the first time he's held me like this before. I could tell he was trying to hide the pain he was in as he held me. He put me down in the passenger seat of the car and then he got in the driver's seat. He started the car to drive me back to the country club. When we got there, he quickly unbuckled and looked over at me, and asked, "What's wrong?"

My heart was racing and it suddenly clicked. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be with JJ. I looked over at him and asked, "Can you just keep driving?"

JJ had the car in park and he looked at me and asked, "You don't want to go in?"

"No..." I said looking at the Country Club

He looked at me and said, "Kie, it's your wedding... You've been excited about this day since I met you when we were in fifth grade. You've been planning it for over a year. William's in there waiting for his beautiful bride to walk down that aisle and start your forever together..."

I looked at him and what he said was true... My eyes were filling with tears and I looked at him and said, "I always thought it would be you that I was marrying"

"Me?" He laughed as it was something so crazy 

"Yeah" I said rolling my eyes and smiling thinking back to being a kid and wanting to marry JJ

"Well, you found William and he's going to give you everything you could ever want"

"That might be true, but he can't give me what I need and that's you"

"You don't need me, Kie. No one needs me, besides, I'll still be your best friend"

"I need you, JJ... Damn it, I can't live without you and even if you don't want to be with me, I'm not going in there. I don't want to marry William. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than marry the wrong person"

Sarah came outside with John B and Pope and they opened the door to the car. 

"Hurry up, everyone is getting worried and William is freaking out" Pope said trying to get me to hurry

Sarah looked at me and said, "Stop, she's not going in there..."

Sarah knew me so well. I gave her a small smile and she said, "I'm so happy for you guys... I always knew you two were supposed to be together"

"What?" John B asked

"I'm not marrying William..." I announced

"I'll take care of everything, I love you guys" Sarah said looking at me and JJ

"We love you too" JJ said as he sped off in my mom's BMW

He was speeding as he left and he stopped suddenly. I looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?" 

"I love you, Kiara"

"I love you, too" I said as he kissed me

We broke apart and he continued driving. He grabbed my hand and kissed it and he drove. I don't think either of us knew where we were going, but it didn't matter because I would go anywhere with JJ.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now