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JJ and Kie have been dating now for two weeks. They were still in their honeymoon stage of dating. Until today, they got into a massive argument in front of everyone.

It was one of those stupid arguments too where it started out over something so dumb and just grew and grew. The two argued outside the Chateau while the pogues tried to ignore the yelling outside. John B went to check on the 'happy couple' and they were nowhere to be found. Kie's car was gone and so was JJ's bike.

John B reported to his friends that they had taken off. This was their first fight and it was a big one. Everyone was worried about how this would end. JJ and Kie were both very stubborn and strong-willed. So neither of them would be apologizing first.

Kie had this party at the Wreck to celebrate it being open for ten years. She had to be there and give some speech because they were winning an award for their restaurant. She invited the pogues because she didn't want to be there surrounded by kooks. The rest of the pogues figured that JJ wouldn't be there.

John B, Sarah, Cleo, and Pope all showed up together and Kie found them quickly. She wasn't expecting to see JJ, but she wished he came with their friends.

Kiara talked to her friends and then she saw him arrive. Kiara approached JJ and said, "I didn't think you'd come"

"Just because we got into a fight doesn't mean that I don't love you. I know how much you were dreading today so I'm here for you, just like I promised I would be. Unless you'd rather not have me here" JJ added the last part in as he got nervous that he wasn't wanted there

Kiara looked at her boyfriend and gave him a smile before she hugged me and whispered, "Thank you for coming"

Their hug was interrupted by Mike and Anna dragging Kiara away from the dirty pogue. Mike said, "We told you not to invite him"

"He's my boyfriend, I wanted him here" Kie defended her best friend

Kiara was forced to mingle with her parents and all the people who were here to give the award to the Wreck. She got up on the small stage and gave her perfect speech, as a perfect daughter would.

Kiara looked out into the crowd and her eyes met his. She could only focus on him. He calmed her whole world. She was able to finish the speech and she kept calm and sounded very genuine and professional.  Everyone clapped for Kiara as her parents were presented with the award.

The Carrera's acted as if they were the perfect family. They pretended like nothing was wrong. Like they didn't have their own daughter kidnapped and brought to some wilderness camp. Kiara couldn't stand it anymore.

She snuck away from the crowds swarming toward her. She was in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. Her lip started to quiver and tears were forming in her eyes and then they started falling from her eyes.

As if it was timed perfectly, JJ entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He pulled Kie into his arms. She broke down crying and he held her in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Kie. I'm sorry for the fight and everything I said. I know tonight wasn't easy for you and I'm sorry. I don't ever want to be the cause of your pain"

"No, I'm sorry... I love you" Kiara whispered as JJ wiped her tears away with his thumb before he leaned down and kissed her lips

Once the kiss broke, JJ said, "Come on, let's get out of here"

JJ and Kiara left the party and he brought her back to his house where he was living. Kiara was still pretty upset and traumatized about everything.

JJ was bad at comforting people. He never knew what to do. No one had comforted him as a child, Kie was the first person to ever comfort him. So, JJ did exactly what Kie did for him.

JJ got Kie in bed and pulled her close to his body as he played with her hair. Kie was able to relax and she eventually fell asleep. It was pretty early and JJ was still awake. Kie's phone has been blowing up so JJ checked it to make sure everything was okay. Kie's parents were the one's calling her nonstop so he picked up. He didn't even get a chance to speak before Anna asked, "Where the hell are you? You can't just leave our party"

"She's with me and she's asleep because she's so exhausted from all the stress you guys have caused her" JJ spoke up to Mike and Anna

"JJ,  you're the one who is causing all the stress. She was perfectly happy before she met you and your friends. Don't blame us, this is your fault"

"Okay, fine blame me. It doesn't bother me because I know the truth. I love your daughter and I'm never going to apologize for that. You are going to let Kie do what she wants. You sent her off to that wilderness camp, you didn't care about her wellbeing. I do and I'm the one fixing what you guys broke. Stop calling her and let her sleep. If she wants to talk to you, she will. But until then stay away from her" JJ said ending the phone call

He turned her phone off and curled up next to his girlfriend and he too fell asleep. They woke up the next morning and Kie was much happier. JJ informed her about the calls from her parents and he was worried she would be upset with him. However, it was the complete opposite. She was so grateful that he was doing his best to protect her from her parents.

If there was one thing that JJ was sure of, it was that he would always protect and love Kiara. He never wanted her to feel pain, not ever, not the way that he has.

"Kie, promise me something.." JJ said looking at his girlfriend laying in his bed

"What?" She asked

"That no matter how big of a fight we might be in, we'll never stop loving each other and we'll always be there for each other"

"I promise and thank you for being there for me"

"I'll always be there for you, I love you Kiara Anna Carrera"

"I love you too, JJ Maybank" She said kissing the love of her life

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now