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JJ and Kiara got married when they were eighteen years old. After high school, they went on a surf trip together and tied the knot on the beach with the pogues there to celebrate with them.

They spent a lot of time working through their issues. Kie's trust issues with her parents and her being traumatized from being kidnapped twice. Along with all of JJ's issues - abandonment, never feeling good enough, being abused by Luke, etc.

They traveled for two years and did all the things they talked about. It was very similar to poguelandia, but much safer as civilization was close by. They did it as cheap as possible, the pogue way. JJ made sure that they were save as he couldn't live with himself if something happened to Kie.

When they returned and Kie got pregnant right away and they had twins. A boy and a girl. It was perfect and the two adjusted to parenthood so perfectly.

When the twins were six months, Kie got pregnant again. So they had three kids under the age of two. It was a lot, but it was their life and it was perfect. Kie stayed at home with the kids. The pogues were all busy with their own lives but they adored JJ and Kie's kids.

They were the best parents, they gave their kids everything they didn't have growing up - love, trust, support, etc. For them, nothing was about status or material things. The kids grew up fast and the couple had a house on Figure Eight with some of the money had gotten from El Dorado.

A few years had gone by and the twins were five and their younger sibling was about to turn four. Kie and JJ have been trying for their fourth and final child. She finally got pregnant at the same time as Sarah and Cleo. The girls were all so excited to be pregnant together and the guys thought it was pretty cool too.

No one ever thought JJ and Kie would have such a big family with four kids but they both wanted what they never had growing up. The pogues were still each other's families and their kids grew up as cousins who were best friends.

They were in their thirties now and the twins were thirteen and life has been crazy. JJ has been coaching their son's soccer team and it's the cutest thing ever. However, there was a shift in their relationship. Ever since the two met, JJ flirted with Kie but now he rarely does.

Kie's POV:

Life got busy and I've noticed that JJ doesn't flirt with me anymore like he used to. I didn't think much of it but as time went on, I felt like he didn't look at me the same anymore. Our marriage felt like it was falling apart. JJ was sleeping on the couch more often. I wasn't sleeping because he wasn't in bed with me.

Ever since Poguelandia, I haven't been able to sleep without him. It's been two months of this and today I was hanging out with Sarah and she asked, "What's wrong?"

I didn't want to bring up my personal issues but I broke and told Sarah. I told her how I was feeling and she said that we seemed distant.

"I know this might be tmi but we haven't had sex in almost two months. And I mean you know JJ, when first got married we were doing it daily, sometimes more than once and those six weeks after giving birth were awful for him... He hasn't even tried to sleep with me. I can't help but wonder if he's getting that from someone else. Maybe he's cheating on me"

Sarah promised me that he wasn't cheating on me. However, a month later I walked into the Chateau as John B and Sarah had told us to meet there. There was Sarah and some lady there. Apparently, they had a marriage counseling session set for us. JJ and I both wanted to leave, but our friends made us stay. We've been arguing more and becoming more distant.

The lady was asking us questions and we weren't speaking to her or to each other. The lady said, "So by the looks of how this session is going. I'm guessing the two of you just want to get divorced. Unless Kiara, you want to stop being so stubborn and start talking"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now