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Kie's POV:

When I first joined the pogues, JJ gave me a necklace. It was a white and black beaded necklace. He bought it for me and gave it to me.

I wore it every single day since the day he gave it to me. It became my favorite piece of jewelry.

I started dating Pope and two nights ago we left the group at the chateau and had sex.

Since then, JJ has been giving me the cold shoulder. John B noticed and he was talking to JJ about why he was so pissed.

We were at the chateau having a fire and they invited a few other pogues over and it was just a small party.

I was sitting by the fire alone when JJ walked over to me. He's been avoiding me since Pope and I had sex.

JJ grabbed the necklace around my neck. it was the one he gave me. He towered over me as he stood above me.

"Were you wearing this when you fucked Pope?" He asked inches away from my face

I looked into his eyes and the eye contact was strong, almost intense.

"Why do you care?" I asked not breaking the eye contact

He pulled on the necklace a little harder and he slightly bit his lip. It was actually really hot. His eyes suddenly looked more blue than before. His lips looked so soft. His blonde hair was messy, like it always was and it fit him so well.

Oh my gosh. What am I thinking? I'm dating Pope. But it's never going to work out with him. I don't like him like that.

"No reason, hope the sex is good with him" He laughed to himself

I gave him the fakest smile ever and he walked away and grabbed a girl and brought her over to the trees where he started making out with her. Gross.

He was such a manwhore but I suddenly found myself wanting him. I wasn't about to watch JJ do it with some pogue in the woods.

I walked over to them and said, "J, can you come with me? It's important..."

"I'm busy" He said going back to kissing the girl

I walked closer up him and tapped his shoulder. He ignored me at first and then the girl pulled away from him and said, "Tell your little slut to go away"

JJ took a step back and said, "Yeah, you can fuck off!"

"What? Me?" She asked in a high pitch voice

"Yeah, don't ever talk about her like that" JJ said and the girl stormed off

He looked at me and I said, "She's a bitch"

"I know, I was just trying to get laid"

"Sounds like a you problem" I said smirking as I walked away

I walked towards Pope and he smiled and I sat down on his lap. He was sitting at the fire and I was facing him. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I tried to make out with him, but that wasn't Pope's thing.

I started to rock my hips back and forth and Pope asked, "What are you doing?"

"I want you" I said kissing him

"Okay, but we can't do it in public"

"I was just kissing you Pope. Chill out a little"

"You know what, I'm not into this whole PDA thing. It's embarrassing and disgusting" He said pushing me off his lap and he walked away

I was so embarrassed that everyone just saw that. Pope didn't even want me. I looked over and JJ just saw the whole thing. Things couldn't get any more humiliating.

He walked up to me and said, "Looks like you aren't getting laid either"

"Shut up, okay? I'm embarrassed enough as is" I said walking inside the chateau

JJ followed me inside and he said, "For what it's worth, Pope is fucking stupid for walking away from you"

"Just leave me alone and go back to the party" I said crossing my arms to hide the cleavage my shirt showed

JJ noticed and he uncrossed my arms and said, "Don't ever cover up, you're beautiful"

He went to leave the room when I stopped him. I crashed my lips into his and we immediately started making out. He sat on the bed and I straddled him just like I did to Pope.

But this time, JJ put his hands on my ass as I was grinding my hips over him. He was kissing me back with tongue. I could feel him getting hard underneath me.

JJ took things to the next level pretty quickly. Things got heated in the spare bedroom pretty fast. JJ knew exactly what he was doing. I was moaning his name and he covered my mouth so no one would hear. We both laid on the bed breathless and my legs were shaking. 

JJ and I got dressed and went back out to the party. Pope came up to me and apologized and I told him I was over it and that we were done. JJ walked over and said, "You denied the most beautiful girl in the world in front of everyone, you fucked up bro"

"So you're just gonna steal her from me?"

"I didn't steal her, she picked me" JJ said kissing me in front of him and I kissed him back

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