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idea inspired by one of my favorite jiara stories by justjknbro you should go check it out!!


We had just started our senior year of high school. Kie and I were dating, we got together at the beginning of our junior year and we've been together ever since. Our relationship has had its issues, but we kept them private and worked on them and we're so happy together. It took me a bit to let her in and to trust that she really loved me. I've got to say, I love being able to kiss my best friend. She's my soul mate.

Her parents didn't approve of our relationship at first but now I felt like I was part of the family, something that I'd never felt before. But it could all be ruined because Kie is two weeks late and we might have had unprotected sex a few times here and there. It's always been okay before, but now she was late and throwing up.

Kie and I decided that it was time to take a test. I headed to the store to buy a pregnancy test for her. Kie was super nervous and not feeling well so I told her that I'd go get it. She was at the Chateau waiting for me to come back.

I couldn't stop thinking about this. I might be a dad in a few months. I wasn't ready to be a dad. I never even wanted kids. Now, here we are. I walked into a store that wasn't the typical one that most people go to. I didn't want to see my friends who work at the other store.

I wondered down the aisles until I found the one with all the pregnancy tests. There were so many options. I didn't know there were so many different tests and some were expensive and others were cheap. I started reading the back of one of the boxes that seemed like an okay test to buy.

"JJ" I heard a very familiar voice, a voice that belonged to a person who was about to murder me

I turned and said, "Uh, hi, Mike..."

He saw me looking at the pregnancy tests and he clearly saw it in my hand. He looked pissed.

"Is that for Kiara?" He asked looking at the test in my hand

I mean, if I say yes, he knows that I've had sex with his daughter and she could possibly be carrying his grandchild right now. If I say no, that means I'm having sex with another girl and cheating on Kie which would still get me in trouble.

I could lie and say it's for Sarah, you know John B asked me to get it because he's too embarrassed. Shit. I've been quiet for way too long. Mike already knows the answer now. There's no lying or going back.

"Yeah, it is..." I said in almost a whisper

"You better pray it's negative" He sharply, almost as a threat as he walked away

I grabbed the box and went to the cashier and paid for it. I got back in the Twinkie and went to the Chateau. I went into the spare room where Kie was slaying in bed. I handed her the bag and she took the box out and said, "I'm so freaking nervous"

"Me too, especially because your dad saw me buy this"

"What? JJ! No"

I told her what happened and she was almost crying. I hugged her and told her that it was okay. I got her to calm down and then she went into the bathroom to take the test. I went in and we both sat on the bathroom floor together.

"Kie, I just want you to know that no matter what the test says, positive or negative, I love you and I'm not going anywhere..."

"I needed to hear that, I love you too" She said as the timer went off

She flipped the test over and on the small screen it said 'negative'

We both were so relieved that she was pregnant. I hugged her and said, "Fuck, that's the first test I won't be in trouble for failing"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now