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Kie's POV:

Sarah and I are roommates in college and we were in California. It's been months since we've seen our friends. Pope was going to school with his scholarship while John B and JJ were working in OBX.

They were finally coming to visit us for the long weekend. Of course, we paid for their plane tickets to come out here. They were going to be staying in our dorm with us which would be interesting as it was so tiny.

We went to the airport to pick the boys up and they got in the backseat of Sarah's car. It was packed so we didn't get out to hug them. Pope was in the middle and he was telling us all about the stupid shit John B and JJ did at the airport.

We got to our dorm and the boys dropped their stuff off and we showed them around our campus. John B and Sarah were macking every chance they got.

"Kie, you guys can finish the tour. I'm going back to our room with John B" Sarah said as the two of them ran off

Pope was geeking over in the science building as he ran into some famous professor. JJ and I were sitting outside the building in the grass catching up on life.

"I hope you have some good weed. Pope wouldn't let me try to sneak it past security on the plane"

"I'm glad someone is watching out for you. Yeah, I've got a guy who can get us the good stuff" I said and JJ smiled

"You've got a guy?" JJ asked suddenly interested

"A guy who can get me weed, not a boyfriend you dork" I said laughing

JJ told me all about working and things back home. I told him all about school.

"Has your dad came back?" I asked

"No, I don't think he ever will and it's probably better that way" He said

"It is, but I know it's hard for you" I said resting my head on his shoulder

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have gotten through it without you" He said

It had been like fifteen minutes and JJ and I met up with Tony, the guy with the weed. I knew JJ wouldn't like him. He was a total frat boy. JJ got up protective when we met up with him.

"Hey, bring your friends to the frat party tonight" Tony said before leaving

JJ looked at me and asked, "Do you usually go to his parties?"

I knew he wasn't going to like my answer. "Yeah, Sarah and I usually go together"

"So you go get drunk and sleep with frat boys?"

I laughed and said, "No, I would never sleep with a frat boy. We just drink and have fun"

JJ and I went to get food as we were sick of waiting for Pope. We got takeout and I brought JJ to a cute little spot on campus. I pulled the weed out and he beautifully rolled a j. He lit it and handed it to me. I passed it back to him as we ate and got high together.

"This is some good weed" He said

"Told you" I said

We met back up with Pope, Sarah, and John B. They were giving us shit for getting high. We went to the beach and went surfing.

We call came back and got ready for the frat party. Sarah and I were in the bathroom getting ready. We both wore mini skirts and crop tops. We were finishing up our hair and make-up and we returned to our room. I felt JJ's eyes on me.

"Let's get going" Sarah said grabbing John B's hand

We walked to the frat house and the music was loud, it was crowded, and there was a keg. It was going to be a perfect night.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now