story 164 - part 2

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here is part 2 that many of you requested. for some reason, i struggled with this one and had to re-write it a few times. hope it turned out okay :)


Everything was back to normal with our group. Kie was so much happier now that she was attending school with us and that she was no longer a kook. The thing that sucked was that John B was totally into her now.

We all thought she was cute before, but then we all went through puberty and now it was more than just an innocent crush. He had real feelings for her and so did Pope. It was hard to listen to them talked about Kie like that. Especially because I was the one who was in love with her.

Kie wasn't here tonight and the boys were talking about her. John B wanted to make a move on Kie as he was convinced she had a thing for him. However, Pope thought that she was into him. I looked at both of them and said, "Guys, we all think she's into us but she probably just sees us all as brothers. I don't want to lose you guys over who gets to date her"

"You're right" Pope said

It was the night that we made up the no pogue on pogue macking rule. It helped me feel more at ease knowing that they wouldn't try and go after the girl I was in love with.

The next day, Kie came over to the Chateau and I was the only one there. I told her about last night and she laughed and said, "Thank you for doing that. I have no interest in kissing either of them. Although, I'm a little worried about you and that rule. I know how you've been talking about wanting to mack John B or was it Pope"

She was teasing me and we were both giving each other shit. We were laughing when it all got super serious. We looked into each other's eyes and this would have been one of those moments when I kissed her, but not anymore.

"I don't think we should be alone" I said leaving the Chateau as I knew I couldn't control myself

"JJ!" She called out but it was too late, I was leaving on my bike

This was so much harder than I expected it to be. It's hard to just stop loving someone one day. I returned to the Chateau later that night when I knew John B and Pope would be there.

Over the next few months, I buried my feelings so deep for Kie. We were all back to being best friends. I'll admit, there were times when I got jealous of how she treated John B and Pope. There were times when it felt like she cared way more about them than me. And maybe she did, but I just missed how close we got during her kook year and I couldn't even talk about it because John B and Pope had no idea that I was with her during that time.

We were sitting around the fire on a typical Friday night and it was just the four of us. I loved these nights. It was a nice change from the parties, but tonight after about three hours and many drinks later, Pope brought up Kie's kook year.

"I don't want to talk about it" Kie said playing with her beer can

"Why? Because you don't want to admit how shitty you treated us. Kie, we were all best friends and when my dad went missing, I really needed you and you weren't here. You were too busy being a stuck-up kook" John B spoke very intoxicated

"I'm sorry" Kie whispered as she started crying

"Sorry doesn't change anything," John B said finishing his beer

"If you think that my kook year was fun, you have no idea what you're talking about. I had my own shit going on" Kie defended herself and an argument broke out

It ended with Kie in tears and me defending her. I brought her inside to the spare room. She tried to leave, but she was drunk and I wasn't going to let her drive so she settled for the spare room. I got her all tucked into bed and she fell right asleep.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now