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I woke up in the lifeboat and coughed up a bunch of water and I was super confused about what had happened and where I was.

There was someone holding me and it all came back to me. The machete, Kie, going overboard... I don't know how I ended up in the boat with my family but I'm alive. I looked over and I saw Kie. I got lost in her beautiful eyes and she said, "hey" in such a comforting voice

"Sup.." I said trying to play it off and she pulled me even closer to her

My head was on her chest and her arms were wrapped around me. I've never felt someone care about me like this before. She stayed by my side and she didn't let go of me until we got to the island that we decided to call Poguelandia where we were going 'full pogue'.

I went to put my arm around Kie but John B grabbed me and said, "We should talk about that..."

The girls walked off in the distance and John B said, "So you're going for her?"

"I don't know... I can't lose her"

"Hey, she shot me down and she ended things with Pope. Maybe there's a reason for that. You never know unless you try. Besides, if it goes bad you can just blame it on your head." John B said causing me to laugh

We caught back up with the group and we started a fire and sat around it talking about what to do. I was sitting on the opposite side of Kie and I caught her looking at me a few times. I'm sure it was her just making sure I was okay after what happened.

I got up and walked away from the group and I knew Kie was going to follow me. We were alone away from everyone down the beach and she started the conversation by saying, "Thank you for saving my life..."

"You saved my life too. Now I guess we're even"

"I would have rather drowned in the ocean with you than live without you" Kie said and we made that eye contact again

It made me nervous but in a good way. I felt safe and loved and like she really cared about me. I was just scared I was going to screw this up.

"J, I love you...." She said in almost a whisper

Okay, I was not expecting that to come out of her mouth. Maybe I like you or you're my best friend but love. How could she love me? She's seen my traumas and knows all my problems. She knows the real me and she loves me. I don't understand. I looked at her in her eyes and she said it again, "Yes, what you heard was right. I am in love with you, JJ Maybank"

"Why would you love me?" I asked not comprehending how anyone could love me because I was so broken

"How could I not love you? You're the one who has always been there for me no matter what is happening in your life. You've saved me more times than I can count. I would have died in that sewer if you weren't there. You flirt nonstop with me and it gets annoying sometimes but no guy has ever shown me that much attention before. You're a pogue and you love the simple things in life. You don't need money to be happy and I love that. You are funny, and smart, and you're not ugly to look at. There are so many more reasons but it would take forever for me to list them all here."

Holy shit... I must have died because there is no way that this is real life. I didn't even know how to respond. I sucked at this kind of stuff. So I just looked at her and she kissed me. Our lips moved together in sync and then when the kiss broke I still was speechless.

"I suck at words but I hope you know how I feel..." I said as I leaned back in to kiss her

We were interrupted by Pope freaking out that we were macking.

"Really? Kiara, you have macked all three of us. You're such a slut. You know JJ is just using you while we're stranded here and he'll move on to his other hoes when we get home. And how could you, JJ? You're my best friend and she's my ex.." Pope screamed

I watched Kie's face when Pope talked. I could see how much his words hurt her. She didn't respond as Pope walked away. I apologized to her and we ended up going back to the group where Pope was sharing the news that we were macking. Kie sat by the fire, emotionless and not saying anything. Which usually meant she was hurt. Pope was being an ass to her all night with the comments he'd make and Cleo said some really harsh things too.

"Fuck all you guys, okay? I'm sorry... I didn't ever have feelings for John B, he was the one who kissed me. Pope also confessed his love to me and then he kissed me. I felt guilty like I owed him something so I kissed him back. I never loved either of you. JJ is the one I've always liked so I don't care anymore. I know we're friends and on this island but I'd rather be all by myself than sitting here listening to you guys talk about how much of a slut I am." Kie said getting up and walking away from the group

I got up and said, "Seriously, fuck you guys for making Kie feel like shit. All she ever does is save us and she gets punished by her family for it. She doesn't need us, we need her and now you guys just lost her. I refuse to lose her so I'll be with her while you guys figure all your crap out" 

I ran after her and I found her on the beach crying. I pulled her into my arms and held her while she cried. 

"You should go back to your friends... When we get home, I'm going to have to go back to being a kook and you're gonna need Pope and John B."

"No, the only one I need is you... As long as we have each other everything will be okay"

Sarah came over with John B and they both apologized and said Pope was out of line. Kie forgave them and John B was really happy things worked out between us. They left saying we needed time alone but they would talk to Pope.

I fell asleep that night next to Kie and I woke up with her in my arms. She was happy today and she said, "You were right about what you said last night. I want us to have what Sarah and John B do. You're the only one I ever want."

I kissed her and jokingly said, "So let's just get married and then no one can separate us"

She laughed with me and then suddenly she got serious and said, "That's actually not a bad idea..."

"Then let's get married.." I said smiling

I pulled off the bracelet that was always on my wrist and I said, "I don't know how this wedding shit works but I love you, Kie and I promise to love you and protect you until the day I die."

"I love you and I promise to always be by your side and to live an adventurous life with you. I love you, JJ"

"Do you take me to be your hot and sexy husband?" I asked smirking

"I do.. And do you take me to be your hot and sexy wife?" She asked back laughing

"Hell yeah, I do.." I said putting my bracelet on her wrist and she put one of hers on mine

We leaned in and kissed and when our kiss broke, I looked at her and said, "You look beautiful, Kiara Maybank.."

We walked back to the others and Pope was still being a dick. 

"Pope, shut up okay? I'm not dating JJ.." Kie said 

"You're not? Good because that's just wrong of you to have had a thing with all three of us. You know statistically speaking you were with the three of us in less than two months which if you take that and calculate..." Pope was speaking but Sarah cut him off and told him to shut up

I broke the news and said, "Kie isn't my girlfriend, she's my wife... So ha!"

I kissed Kie and Pope was freaking out. Sarah and John B were excited and said we needed to go on a honeymoon together. I told them this is the honeymoon, our own private island. After a few days, we were rescued by a helicopter and taken back home. Kie grabbed my hand and she said, "No matter, nothing changes now that we're back home"

"Nothing changes" I said kissing her hand

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now