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Kie's POV:

We were all hanging at the chateau and JJ looked at me and asked, "Wanna smoke?"

He knew I could never turn that down and we went outside and sat in the hammock and he pulled the goods out of his pocket and carefully rolled up and blunt. His were always perfect. It was like a form of art. He always let me have the first puff. Soon we were both high and he said, "I found my mom, Kie, and I've been talking to her. Well mainly texting her. There has only been one phone call. She wants me to meet her and I'm going this weekend, like leaving tomorrow morning and I was wondering if you would come with me?"

"Holy shit, that's crazy and so awesome. Yeah, I'll go with you. Where does she live?" I asked

"Boston" He said

"So what time are we leaving at?" I asked

"8 am so we can get on the first ferry. You should get home and pack. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. Would you mind if we drive your car?"

"Not at all, see you tomorrow," I said leaving to go home and pack

He stopped me and said, "Also, can you please not mention this to anyone else?"

"Our secret" I said as smiled and walked o my car. I didn't realize it would be just the two of us. Not that I mined, I just wondered why he only wanted me to go with him.

I arrived home and quickly packed a bag and gathered some food for our road trip. I fell asleep and got up early the next morning and went to JJ's and picked him up. He was super excited and I drove to the ferry and the trip began.

I drove for a few hours and then JJ took over. We talked the whole way and we were approaching Boston. JJ pulled up in front of an average house. He shut my car off and he said, "Fuck"

He got out of the car and we slowly walked up to the door. He rang the doorbell and a woman appeared. She was middle-aged but looked really young. She had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, just like JJ's. She was super pretty. She was crying with a huge smile and she said, "Jackson, I.. I... I'm so glad you're here"

She hugged him then let go and invited us in.

"This is Kiara" JJ said introducing me to her

She looked at me and said, "I'm Jessica, and I'm sure he's filled you in on some details and I hope you don't hate me for leaving him with Luke and that you're able to give me a chance"

I gave her a smile and said, "It's nice to meet you"

She gave us a house tour and stopped at the guest room and said, "Here's the guestroom, let me know if you guys need anything"

We went back outside and grabbed our bags and put them in the room and met Jessica in the kitchen. She smiled and said, "Come meet the rest of the family"

We went outside onto the deck and she introduced her husband and their three kids. I saw JJ tense up when he saw the kids. There was one boy and two girls. They were all super nice, the perfect family. JJ and I hung out with them and talked over dinner. It was getting late and we went to our room which had a private bathroom.

I took a shower and JJ was laying in bed. We've shared a bed plenty of times before so this shouldn't be weird. It just felt weird, like we were a couple.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, goodnight" He said and I knew he wasn't but I ignored it and went to bed

The next day, we hung out with the whole family all day. JJ was extra protective over me. He was almost taking care of me. Something was going on with him and I needed to get him alone. Again, it was late and we stayed outside hanging with the three kids which were basically his half-siblings.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now