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Kie's POV:

JJ and I dated for a year and a half and it was amazing but we broke up because I went to college and he didn't. He felt like he was holding me back. It was all a bunch of built-up bullshit that turned into a massive fight and out of nowhere, we both said we should break up. I don't think that either of us truly wanted that but we were both too damn stubborn and we broke up. That was five months ago during Christmas.

I was home for the summer after my sophomore year and I started hanging out with a kook named Logan and he was cute. I figured even if it didn't work out, it would be fun for the summer. Logan and I were hanging out every single day and I finally had time to go see John B and Sarah.

It was so good to see them again. There was a party tonight at the Boneyard and we were all going. I was going to bring Logan to the party. I went home to get ready and Logan came over. I was wearing a black beachy dress and I knew Sarah was wearing something similar.

I drove to the party with Logan and when we got there, he introduced me to more of his kook friends. I had two drinks and that's when I noticed Pope, JJ, John B, and Sarah. I excused myself from the conversation and introduced them to Logan.

"Logan, these are my friends John B and his girlfriend Sarah, Pope, and that's..." I was saying as JJ cut me off

"I'm JJ, Kie's ex-boyfriend.." He said shaking Logan's hand and I gave him a look 

"You dated a fucking pogue? Wow, I didn't know how low you could go... But JJ Maybank.. Damn, that's low." Logan said laughing

I could see the rage and anger growing in JJ's eyes. The vein in his neck started to pop as he balled his hand up into a fist. I grabbed Logan and walked away before JJ could hit him. Once I was alone with Logan, I told him, "Please don't say that about JJ. You don't even know him.."

"Whatever, babe... You're with me now.." He said kissing me and I kissed him back

I hung out with Logan and his friends for the rest of the night and then I went home as he was going to spend the night with his friends. Logan and I started going on dates over the next few weeks. They weren't normal dates, they were hella expensive kook dates.

He took me on a private sunset cruise on this huge yacht he rented. The captain was driving the boat and Logan and I were sitting in the front of the boat making out I was in my bikini and Logan was in his swim trunks. The makeout had been intense. I was straddling him and his hands were on my ass. 

"Get a fucking room!" I heard JJ's voice scream and I pulled back and saw the boys in the HMS pogue with Sarah

Logan stuck his middle finger up at JJ and he said, "You're just jealous I can do this to her and you can't.."

Logan grabbed me by my hips and he pulled me back closer to him as he kissed me with tongue and made it obvious. He flipped me so I was under him and one of his hands worked his way into my bikini bottom.

"Get it, girl!" Sarah called out as I saw John B turn and go the other way as Pope restrained JJ

"Logan... We can't do this here...." I said sitting up

"Okay..." He said understanding


We were hanging out in the marsh when a massive kook yacht was passing by and we all saw Kie making out with her new boyfriend. His hands were on her ass and I yelled at them to get a fucking room. Logan gave me the finger and he flipped Kie over, shoved his tongue into her mouth and he literally was trying to finger her in front of all this. The way he touched her made my blood boil. I hated seeing this and I was ready to jump in, crawl up the side of the boat, and yank him off of Kie.

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