story 90

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requested by outerbaanksjiara


Today we had plans to go surfing and Kie didn't show up. We all thought it was super strange. John B texted her and he informed us that she was sick. I hated when she was sick. She always did such a good job taking care of us.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to head to Kie's and see if she needs anything" I said

"Aww, JJ going to take care of Kie" Popes said

"She always takes care of us" I said

John B and Pope went to the ocean and I went and picked Kie up her favorite soup. I drove to her house and I texted her.

JJ: Hey, i'm outside you house. Are your parents home?

Kie: Nope. Come up to my room

I put my phone away and walked into her house. I opened her bedroom door and she was laying in bed. She looked miserable.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I brought you soup" I said using it as an excuse to come over

"Thank you" She said as I handed it to her

She ate the soup and then started coughing. She said, "You should go. I don't want you to get sick"

"I'm fine. I have a strong immune system" I didn't care if I got sick taking care of her

Kie was laying in bed watching a movie and I sat next to her. She was super hot and not like beautiful, sexy hot. Fever hot.

"You feel really warm. I think you have a fever" I said feeling her forehead and it was burning up

"Do you have a thermometer? I'll go grab it and some advil"

"No, JJ please stop. You don't need to take care of me" She said putting up a fight

She got out of bed and grabbed some advil and swallowed the two pills.

"I'm not going to let you you take care of me. You should go surfing with Pope and John B" Kie said being stubborn

I tried to tell her that it didn't matter and I just wanted to take care of her but she wouldn't listen. Her parents were gone for the next few days which meant she had no one to help her.

I gave up trying to help her and I left. I don't know why she was being so damn stubborn. I went to the chateau and just chilled there for a bit. I didn't want to surf.

My dad and I got i'm a pretty bad fight the other night and I had some bruises on my stomach I'd rather not show off.

It had been a few hours and I was worried about Kie. I drove back to her house and let myself in. I went up to her room and quietly opened the door and Kie looked at me. She looked so sick and miserable.

This time I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I felt her forehead and she was still burning up. I walked into the medicine cabinet and grabbed a thermometer, advil, and got her a cold washcloth for her face.

She has a 102.5 degree fever which was pretty high. She took some more advil to lower the fever. She was super chilled and cold. I put the washcloth in her face and I crawled into bed with her.

I pulled her into my arms and tried to warm her up. She looked at me and said, "Thank you for coming back"

"I was worried about your stubborn ass" I whispered which made her laugh

"I feel awful right now. I don't want you to get sick"

"I don't care about getting sick. I'm here to take care of you" I said and she fell asleep

It was still pretty early, around 7pm. She slept for a few hours and my shirt was soaking wet from Kie sweating. I carefully moved her so so could take my shirt off.

Around 10pm, I was falling asleep and I woke up to Kie asking, "Why do you want to be here?"

It took me a second to process and I replied, "Because I don't want you to be alone when your sick. Believe me when I tell you I know how much it sucks to be alone and have no one to take care of you when you're sick."

She realized it was linked to my mom leaving and my dad being a piece of shit. No one ever took care of me when I was sick.

Kie looked at the bruises on my stomach and she lightly touched them and said, "I'm so sorry, J"

"It's okay... Don't worry about me. You just focus on getting better. I'll come and check on you in the morning"

"Will you stay?" She asked

"If you want me to, yes" I said

She laid close to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight, my pogue princess"

Kie was half asleep and she smiled and said, "Goodnight, I love being your pogue princess"

She fell right asleep and she was in shorts and a sports bra now as she was super hot and sweaty. I ended up taking off my joggers and just laying in my boxers because Kie's fever was making me hot. She didn't care and she fell right asleep.

We were woken up the next morning to Kie's door slamming open and her parents screaming at us. Oh shit.

We both sat up and her mom said, "Kiara, we leave town for a few days and you decide to act like a slut and sleep with a dirty pogue!"

"Mom, nothing happened" Kie said as she started coughing

"Kiara, I'm not stupid" She said looking at us and I didn't have a shirt in and Kie was cuddled up to me in just a sports bra

She looked at me and I told her why I was here. It also looked bad that my shirt and pants were on the floor.

Her parents left the room and I got up and put my clothes back on. Kie apologized over and over.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're feeling better"

"Thank you for coming over last night, J"

"Always" I said leaving and her parents still were fuming but it was all worth it to take care of Kie

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now