story 7

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- Takes place after John B and Sarah are back in OBX -

Kie's POV:

Last night, Pope and I had sex. I regretted it already so much. I felt guilty for not liking him so I felt like I had to date him. Now I just felt dirty and like I couldn't ever get clean. We got back to the Chateau and everyone was there waiting for us.

JJ was there and he was pissed. Apparently, Rafe and Barry came while we were gone and they were going to come back. We were going inside and Pope tried to help me off the boat and I said, "I can do it myself, leave me alone."

"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise." John B joked

I stormed off and went inside and JJ followed me.

"Everything okay?" He asked

I ignored the question and started to gather up all my stuff and the other pogues came in. JJ grabbed my arm and brought me into his bedroom there and shut the door.

"Did something happen? Did Pope do you something you didn't want?" He asked actually concerned

"I'm fine, okay.." I said still annoyed

"No, you aren't and you aren't leaving this room until you tell me what happened. If you don't tell me, I will go out there and punch Pope."

I just shrugged my shoulders as I could care less. This was so embarrassing. I kissed John B, and apparently am now dating Pope.

"Nothing happened, okay?"

"So you guys didn't...?"

"We did and it was the worst three minutes of my life. It never should have happened. Now I get to regret it for the rest of my life. Tell anyone and I will murder you." I said walking out the door

I was a total bitch to Pope for the next few days. I ended things with him and told him it never should have happened. We were at the chateau and Sarah said, "Kie, you don't have to be such a bitch to him."

"Yeah, he's been in love with you for a long time. Besides, that's why we made the no pogue on pogue macking rule." John B said upset with me

"And you were the first one to break that rule." I said back to him and then I added, "And Pope, you were the one who kissed me first."

Sarah laughed and said, "It's funny that you two boys can't control your impulses. I would expect something like that from JJ."

JJ looked down and didn't say a word.

"You're a fucking slut, Kie. All you do is use us." Pope said

John B laughed and high-fived Pope. I started crying and I turned around and ran towards the beach. I got far enough away and that's when I sat down and started crying. A few seconds later, JJ was there.

He sat next to me and I said, "They hate me so you probably shouldn't be here."

"They probably hate me too because I punched both of them before I followed you." He said which caused me to laugh

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you aren't a slut and no one should ever say that about you. I'm sorry, Kie."

"Pope took advantage of you, didn't he? I know that was his first time, was it yours?"

I started crying and JJ was concerned and I said, "You aren't allowed to say anything to anyone ever. My kook year was never supposed to be my kook year. Early in the year, I was with Sarah and we were drunk at her house. I was going to walk home when Rafe was there and he was super nice and he brought me to his dad's boat to sleep. And that's where he raped me.. To this day, I've never told anyone..."

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now