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Kie's POV:

I have a twin brother, Liam and he loves to disobey our parents and hang out in the cut. I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with pogues. My best friend, Sarah, and I are the popular looks on the island.

Today, Sarah and I were at the Country Club for lunch when I saw my brother's best friends John B, Pope, and JJ. Liam was best friends with JJ since they were in Kindergarten. My parents hated JJ and Liam didn't care.

JJ was always trying to flirt with me. It was annoying but I gave him credit for never backing down. It's been years that he's been flirting. I just ignored him.

It was late and I heard someone making noise in the bathroom across from my room. I opened my door and saw JJ standing there. JJ slept over at our house a lot. Usually, my parents didn't know about it.

"What are you doing?" I whispered loudly

"Nothing" He said and I caught a glimpse of his bloody knuckle

"Come here" I said

"No, go back to bed, princess" He said

"Follow me, or I'm going to go get my parents" I threatened

JJ followed me into my bedroom and I brought him to my bathroom where I had first aid supplies. He sat on the counter and he was a mess. I grabbed some alcohol wipes to clean the cuts.

"This is going to hurt a bit" I said pressing the damp cloth to his skin

"Shit" He said under his breath

"Sorry" I said not wanting to cause him more pain

I cleaned his wounds and on his hands and then I saw blood soaking through his shirt. I looked at him and asked, "May I" before taking off his shirt

"Go for it" He replied as I lifted the shirt over his head and laid it on the other side of the counter

JJ's stomach was covered in bruises and one small cut. I looked at him with concern and asked, "What the hell happened?"

"I told you, I got in a fight" He said giving me no information

"This is awful, what was the fight about? JJ, you should go to the police"

"No, the fight was stupid, okay. I got caught up in a deal gone wrong and I paid for it. I'm fine" He said clearly not wanting to talk about it

I grabbed his shirt and brought it to the laundry room and I put it in the washer. I brought JJ back one of my brother's t-shirts and he put it on. He was getting ready to leave when he said, "Please don't tell anyone about this. Not your kook friends and not Liam"

"Okay, I promise" I said and he left my house that night

A few days later, I was with Sarah at a Boneyard party and I saw Liam there with JJ. He came over with Liam and JJ said, "If it isn't the kook princesses"

"Fuck off, Maybank" Sarah said which I thought was a little harsh

He just rolled his eyes and walked away and Liam followed. I looked at Sarah and said, "You didn't need to say that"

"What? Are you suddenly friends with that loser? Don't turn into your brother and start hanging out with pogues. Kiara, if you do that it turns you into a trashy slut"

"No, it's just I don't want to piss people like JJ off" I said trying to not make a big deal about it

Sarah went to hang out with Topper and I somehow ended up on the beach with JJ.

"Don't let anyone see you with me, it will ruin your reputation" He said taking a sip of his drink

"I just wanted to apologize for Sarah being a bitch earlier"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now