story 65

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Kie's POV:

JJ and I had been fighting on and off for way too long. We both agreed that we needed space. So I took a job promotion in Arizona. I accepted and I moved there for the summer. JJ and I still talked on and off. He would call me at least once a day and check in to see how I was doing for the first two weeks and then the calls stopped.

I spent the whole summer doing what I loved and I met a few new friends. There was this one guy, Tyler and we became best friends. I had been here for months and Tyler and I have gone out on a few dates. It was flirty but he knew not to overstep.

It was November and I was home for Thanksgiving. I went to JJ's house to tell him that I was sorry and that I missed him. I wanted to move back home. I walked up to his front door and I knocked and I was so excited to see him. The door opened and there stood a blonde girl in jean shorts and a crop top.

I froze and she looked confused.

"Is JJ here?" I asked

"Who are you?" She asked bitchy

JJ came to the door and he saw me and said, "Hey"

Wow. All I got was a hey. Ouch.

"Hey" I replied back

"This is my girlfriend, Kayla" He said

"Oh, cool yeah you know that's great actually. Umm, I should get home" I said studdering over my words because he had moved on and I never expected that

"Who the hell is she?" Kayla asked JJ

"A friend" He said not looking at her and he just put another knife in my heart

I left in complete shock. I started driving home and then I stopped and went back to his house and I didn't knock this time. I had a fucking key. I walked in and Kayla and JJ were making out. Gross.

Kayla saw me and freaked out and I said, "Shut the hell up, okay? I was JJ's fiance, technically I still am"

I held up my hand with the ring on it. I continued, "We needed a break and we never said we were going to see other people. I know I didn't see anyone. How the hell does Kayla not know about me? Half my shit is all over this house"

"Woah, you guys are engaged?" Kayla asked looking at JJ

"Yeah, we were but not anymore" JJ said

"Really? When did we call off the engagement? We were taking some space so we could fix our relationship to get married. Apparently, you thought our relationship wasn't worth fixing" I said with tears streaming down my face

"Kie" JJ said as we both walked outside

"Fuck off, I was coming here to tell you that I love you, JJ. I miss you every single day. It physically hurts me not being with you. I quit my job and I'm moving home in three weeks. Not that it matters to you anymore because you and your little slut have something going on. Guess this ring really never meant anything"

"No, it meant everything... It does mean everything. I missed you too, Kie" He yelled

"You missed me so you started dating Kayla? Makes sense" I said sarcastically

I got in my car and I left. I went to the chateau and told John B and Sarah and they didn't know about Kayla. I avoided JJ and didn't answer his calls or texts. I was leaving tomorrow and I decided to go for a night surf.

The sun was setting and I was just coming out of the water. I saw JJ was there with Kayla. Fuck, he looked hot. His wet blonde hair, water dripping down his defined abs. At this point, I was so hurt that he was with Kayla. I just wanted him to want me.

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