story 9

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I just watched Kie kiss Pope, on the cheek in the bed of the truck. I pulled my hat over my eyes. I hated seeing them together. I was in love with Kie and I have been for years. I was the only one who stuck to that stupid rule.

I laid there and I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and went for a walk. I ended up sitting on a rock thinking about how I lost Kie, again.

A little while later, Kie appeared and she came and sat next to me.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her

"I could ask you the same thing." She replied

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't awkward at all. Then I was stupid and blurted something out that I would never be able to take back.

"I'm in love with you, Kie."

Her head turned to look at me. She didn't know what to do or what to say. So I started rambling, "Fuck.. I'm sorry, you're dating Pope. I never should have said anything but I've loved you for years and never said anything because of that stupid rule. That stupid fucking rule that both John B and Pope have broken. It's funny because I thought I would be the first one to break it. But now I can't because you've kissed John B and you're dating Pope so that really makes you off-limits according to guy code. Not that we would ever work. I mean you deserve someone like Pope who has his shit together. I'm just some fuck up with an abusive father from the cut. Forget everything I just said because John B and Pope, especially Pope can't ever find out about this because....."

I was going to keep going because my nerves got the best of me. Bu Kie cut me off by kissing me. I was shocked. I kissed her back and then she broke the kiss.

"Shit... That wasn't supposed to happen.." She said worried

I knew her mind was going crazy. So I tried to reassure her.

"It's okay, all is forgiven and forgotten. No one will ever know. It's our secret." I whispered

She kissed me again but this time she didn't pull away. This kiss was intense. She lifted my shirt off and I wanted to stop this but I couldn't. Kie and I were ripping clothes off of each other. We both knew this needed to stop but neither of us were going to stop.

"J, I'm super sweaty.." She said like that was a hint to stop 

I could only reply with, "Me too..."

Before I knew it, things were happening and it was too late to stop. We both laid there breathing heavily and dripping sweat under the moon.

"We should head back before Pope wakes up." Kie said moving to grab her clothes

I grabbed them for her and helped her get dressed. I could tell she was replaying everything that just happened and in total shock. I was getting dressed and Kie panicked and said, "I'm sorry...."

"For what?"

"Your back..." She said 

I realized she meant the scratch marks and I laughed and said, "This is nothing. Don't worry about it."

Kie walked away and she was crying. I felt awful but at the same time, I don't regret a thing. I got back to the truck Pope had moved in his sleep so that I wouldn't fit where I was before. Kie was laying next to him and she left a space for me on the other side. I laid down and her back was to me so I lightly tapped it and asked, "Are you okay?"

She rolled over and I saw the tears in her eyes. I wiped her tears and she rolled back over to face Pope. When I woke up, Kie was right next to me and Pope was sprawled out.

We all got up and Pope's dad's truck was ready to go. Kie paid for it and we were off to follow the letter Pope got. Pope went inside and I was alone with Kie in the truck. Before we could talk, we had to follow Pope.

Eventually, we were reunited with John B and Sarah. We were back in the OBX and John B noticed my back and asked, "Damn, JJ... Who was the girl?"

Everyone looked at my back and I said, "Honestly no clue, just a random hookup a few days ago."

"You're in love with whoever did that. I've never seen you so happy." Pope teased

"Remember, JJ doesn't fall in love." John B said

The guys were teasing me about how I never did relationships and about the girl who did this. I could tell Kie was uncomfortable so without thinking, I said, "Just shut up, okay? It was just some stupid fling. It meant absolutely nothing to me and it will never happen again. She isn't someone to date." 

At that moment, Pope and Kie left on the HMS Pogue to go hook up and it made my blood boil. They got back in the middle of the night and Pope came inside and slammed the door. 

"Where's Kie?" I asked half asleep

"Fuck you, JJ." Pope said slamming the door to the spare bedroom

I got up and saw Kie outside on the hammock. 

"Leave me alone.." She said

"What happened with Pope?" I asked concerned

"I couldn't lie to him so I told him. I ended things with him."

"You know that I meant nothing that I said earlier. They were pissing me off and I wanted to say that I'm in love with Kie but I didn't want to put you in that awkward position."

"Come here.." She said

I got on the hammock with her and she kissed me. We were making out and she said, "I love you, JJ."

"I love you, Kie." I said

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