story 27

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Kie's POV:

We had been stranded on the island for three days. We had spent the majority of that time gathering materials to build a shelter, building a fishing pole, looking for food and fresh water, and just enjoying the pogue life.

JJ and I totally had a moment on the lifeboat but we haven't talked about it and I didn't want to be the one to bring it up. So for now, I was just ignoring it. Sarah on the other hand totally saw and kept telling me she saw the way we looked at each other and that it totally meant something.

Cleo was there and I said, "It's JJ, it probably didn't mean anything"

They both stopped bringing it up and the next thing I knew, Cleo seemed to be hanging with JJ. He went fishing and Cleo volunteered to go with him. I watched them in the water and they were laughing and splashing each other. I noticed the two of them growing closer over the next few days.

Pope was listing off jobs that needed to be done such as gathering more firewood. Cleo volunteered and JJ jumped in and said, "I'll help"

The two of them took off into the woods laughing. It made my stomach hurt thinking that JJ might like Cleo or that the two of them were hooking up. Oh my gosh, they were totally hooking up. It explains why they always go off together.

That evening, we were sitting by the fire and Cleo was sitting not even an inch away from JJ. They would lean over and laugh and flirt. It was disgusting. I was trying so hard not to freak out about it because it's not like JJ cared and we can't mack anyways... Wait? What? I want to kiss JJ... I started thinking about JJ and the way he always used to flirt with me. He hasn't done that in a while and I kinda missed it. It was harmless and a joke before but now, I was jealous of how he was acting with Cleo.

I thought about all the moments we've had. The hot tub, him saving me from the sewer, helping his father leave the island, the shipping container, the lifeboat. I liked JJ Maybank... I never thought that would happen but here we are and he likes another girl.

"So, tomorrow we're going to split for a few days and explore the island for two days and meet back here. How do we want to divide and conquer?" John B asked the group

"I'm going with you... We need some time alone as husband and wife.." Sarah said smiling

"I'll go with JJ..." Cleo said immediately and I looked at Sarah and she gave Pope and look

Suddenly, Pope got mad and he said, "No, there is no way I'm going with Kiara. I'm so sick of getting stuck doing everything with her. It's going to be way too awkward being alone with her for three days. I'm not going with my ex..."

This came out of nowhere. Sarah must have told him to do this because Pope and I talked the other day and things were cool between us. John B told Pope to go with Cleo and then I got paired up with JJ. His eyes met mine from across the fire and then he looked back down.

Fuck. Three days alone with JJ was going to be weird but I didn't want him alone with Cleo. That night we went to bed and we got up early and we all set off in different directions.

JJ and I didn't say much all morning. We just walked quietly and would ask occasional questions about things related to the island and survival. We came to this grassy field and we decided we were going to spend the night here. JJ started a fire and I found a watermelon. I split it in half and we sat by the fire devouring the sweet fruit.

"How's your head?" I asked breaking the awkward silence between the two of us

"It's okay... I've definitely experienced worse so this is nothing... But when we get back home, can we leave out the blunt end part?" He asked

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now