story 64

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*** not medically correct****


We were at a Boneyard party and we were all drinking. I was playing a game of beer pong with Kie. We were playing against Rafe and some other kook.

Kie and I were killing it. I was the one drinking all the beer because of some stupid bet I made with Rafe. We won and Kie hugged me. I was so wasted from how much a I had to drink.

A little while later, I was looking at Kie and I noticed myself getting hard. Which was nothing new but it usually went away. Not this time.

I went to the bathroom to try and fix the problem and nothing was working. I walked out and Rafe handed me a box. There were four pills missing. They were viagra pills. Fuck.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" I yelled and I punched him

We got in a nasty fight and I went back to the chateau to try and figure out how to fix this. After a ton of google searches, I found out if it didn't go away soon, surgery was the only option to prevent permanent damage.

I did all I knew how to do to get rid of it. But it wasn't working. It was almost painful and my hand hurt so bad from the fight I got into with Rafe.

I texted the group chat and told them to come back to the chateau now. A few minutes later they all walked in and I was sitting on the couch with a pillow over my lap.

I told them what happened and they all laughed and Pope was being nerdy and figuring out what to do. Kie just laughed and John B said, "That's gotta be so painful"

"Dude, just get rid of it like you usually do" Pope said

"I've tried and it doesn't help. My hand is killing me from the fight I got into"

"Call one of your hookup girls" Kie said and we all looked at her like she was crazy

"Not it!" Pope said

"Yeah, I'm not gay" John B said

All eyes were on Kie. She rolled her eyes and said, "What and you're gonna make me do it because I'm a girl?"

"Yeah, exactly!" Pope and John B said at the same time

"Fine, but I will only be using my hands. You don't get to touch me in any way and we never speak of this again." She said stern

"Deal" I said already humiliated as I watched Kie get up and walk to the guest bedroom

"Fuck my life!" She said joking as we closed the door

She locked the door and I sat on the bed and she laughed when she saw it.

"Just lay down and don't look at me" Kie instructed and I did as I was told

After a few minutes, I told her I was close. She kept going and eventually grabbed an old t-shirt on the floor to wipe her hands. She realized that did nothing and she asked, "What am I supposed to just keep going?"

"That's what Pope said" I said feeling so embarrassed and Kie continued

After a few minutes, I felt myself inside her mouth and I looked up and she said, "My hand is tired"

Kie was amazing. She knew exactly what she was doing. I wasn't going to last long. I warned her again and I came in her mouth. I felt awful but she looked at me and swallowed. Holy shit. She got up and asked, "So now what? Nothing is working. I thought it was supposed to go away"

"It is.. I don't understand but you tired and it's fine. I'll just figure it out." I said not wanting her to stay any longer

"J, just calm down. I'm already here, I've already done stuff. It's fine, not your fault..." She said as she went back for round 3

I noticed her change, almost as if she were enjoying it. No, it's Kie. There is no way she's enjoying this. It was a million degrees in the chateau and she suddenly stopped and took off her shirt.

"Kie, you do realize you might be making this worse" I said

She laughed and continued. I know she said she didn't want me to watch her suck my dick, but I couldn't help it. She made eye contact with me and she was driving me insane. She took her other hand and put it in her jean shorts and that was sending me over the edge. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and threw her on the bed and I started kissing her neck and down her chest. She didn't push me away. I yanked her shorts off and put my mouth over her underwear and she let out a soft moan. I carefully inserted my fingers in and out of her and took my shirt off and then her own.

I was laying over her and she pulled me down and kissed me. We were making out and going at it, quietly so John B and and Pope didn't hear. We had gone for a few rounds and we both laid in the bed, sweating, and breathing hard. I finally got relief from the little blue pill incident with Rafe.

She got up to leave and I pulled her back in bed and said, "Stay"

She didn't argue with me. She laid back in the sheets that would need to be washed tomorrow next to me. We both fell asleep and the next day, we acted like nothing happened.

"So you two are a thing now?" John B teased

"Eww, no" we both said at the same time

The next few days went back to normal and we pretended like nothing ever happened. We were having a party at the chateau with some other pogues and Kie looked gorgeous.

I walked up to her and whispered, "Meet me inside in a minute"

I went into the spare bedroom wondering if she was going to show up. It had been over five minutes when the door opened and she said, "Sorry, Pope had to talk to me. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that it works without the pills Rafe slipped me. I don't need those" I said almost embarrassed and Kie laughed

"I know, JJ"

"No, really. See" I said showing her through my shorts that it was normal

I walked up to her and I touched her waist and kissed her neck. She moaned into the kiss and we were making out. I pressed my body against hers and she could feel it and she laughed in the kiss and said, "J, you didn't have to prove anything to me"

"I know... Do you want to do this again?"

"Don't let Pope or John B catch us" She said kissing me

"Sounds fun" I said as I laid down on top of her

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now