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Kie's POV:

I showed up at the Chateau to hang out with my friends and when I arrived, JJ was the only one there. He sat in front of the TV eating frozen pizza and drinking a beer. I went and sat next to him and stole a piece of the pizza he made. I was starving and even frozen pizza tasted good.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as it was so odd for everyone to be gone on a Friday night

"Pope has homework and college shit. John B and Sarah decided to take the Twinkie and go camping somewhere tonight. So looks like you're stuck with me tonight, princess" JJ chuckled

"Lucky me" I said with some sarcasm but with some truth too

JJ and I finished eating the pizza and just chilled on the couch which got really boring really fast. He looked at me and asked, "So now what?"

"Barry is having a party tonight. We could go" I suggested

"And you really think that going there is a good idea?" JJ asked as if my idea was stupid, and honestly, it was pretty stupid

"No, not really. I just don't know what else to do"

"We'll go to the party but you aren't leaving my side. I don't trust Barry"

"Yay, you're going to hold me captive all night" I said sarcastically

JJ, being the stupid boy he was smirked and said, "I might as well just handcuff you to me"

"You're disgusting," I said and he claimed I took it the wrong way and he didn't mean it like that

We were still sitting on the couch and JJ was smiling at his phone.

"So who sent you a nude?" I asked and it got his attention

"No one" He said totally lying

I moved and tried to grab his phone but it just turned into us tackling each other. This happened all the time between me and JJ and the other guys too. JJ got the advantage over me and he had me pinned down, but I wasn't going to lose. I wrapped my legs around him causing him to collapse on top of me as I tried to roll over but we both ended up on the floor. However, I was on top of him and he was laughing.

"I won" I said laughing with him

He shook his head no and said, "Don't think so princess"

In one swift motion, he got up with me in his arms. He was holding me and he tossed me on the couch like I weighed nothing. I always knew JJ was strong. I just didn't know how strong. He went to the kitchen to throw the stuff from dinner.

He came back and asked, "Do you still want to go to that party?"

"Not really" I admitted as I'd rather hang here with him

"Come on, we're going on an adventure" JJ said and we left the Chateau

JJ got on his bike and looked at me to hurry up. He handed me his helmet and I got on his bike behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered, "Please don't kill us"

He started driving and I had no idea where we were going and why we couldn't just take my car. He had been driving for around ten minutes when I realized where we were. We were by the old lighthouse. JJ killed the engine on his bike and he said, "Let's go scare John B and Sarah"

We snuck up to the Twinkie and they were sitting outside having a fire. JJ and I snuck up on them and they both screamed. We were laughing so hard and John B asked, "Why are you two here?"

"JJ's idea" I said throwing up under the bus

We hung out with them for about twenty minutes before they kicked us out. It was expected and I'm shocked they let us stay that long. We walked back to his bike still laughing at how they freaked out when we scared them. I got on the back of his bike but he was taking a different way home than I was used to. We got back to the cut and JJ parked his bike. He just killed the engine and I whispered to him, "I like being the girl on the back of your bike"

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