story 87

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* In this story they were just normal teenagers. There was no gold/cross and Rafe never went crazy *


After high school our friend group kinda split up and everyone went their own ways. I stayed behind in OBX and just worked a few jobs to barely get by.

It was kind of pathetic. I didn't really change much since high school. I was still hooking up with girls and not interested in a relationship.

John B worked for Ward Cameron in high school and got a decent job from him. Pope was going to college and I was working shitty jobs.

We got invited to the wedding for the two perfect kooks, Kiara Carrera and Rafe Cameron. Why were we invited? I have no idea. They both went to the kook academy and I've never really talked to Kiara. Rafe on the other hand, we've gotten in a few fights.

John B, Pope, and myself all got a good laugh. They must have invited the whole damn island. The wedding was in seven months on the beach at the country club.

A few weeks have passed by and I was at the beach alone when I saw Kiara. She made eye contact with me and said, "Hey"

"Hey kook bride" I said and she rolled her eyes

"I'm assuming you got the invitation. That would be Ward Cameron's idea. He wanted to invite John B and so he decided to invite his friends. You don't have to go"

I laughed and then I said, "Oh no, we're going. I love going to stupid kook parties and making fun of them"

"That stupid kook party is my wedding" She s said upset with me

"Let me guess, over 500 people"

"A little over 750" She replied

"Damn, don't fuck up and embarrass yourself"

We went back and forth for a bit and then she asked if I wanted to surf with her. I was surprised and we caught some waves. She was actually an amazing surfer.

It got late and the sun was almost down. We were both headed home and she said, "Same place same time next Sunday?"

"Yeah" I smiled as we went in opposite directions

Kiara and I surfed again together next week and she wasn't the kook bitch I thought she was. She was actually pretty cool. We surfed together every Sunday night for a month.

It became a thing we did. I looked forward to it every weekend. It was such a refreshing end to the weekend. We had been doing this for three months.

Kie and I finished surfing and she asked, "Wanna go grab food?"

"Yeah, I'm down"

We went to her car and she drove to the Wreck. Her parents owned the restaurant and she got us free food. She just ran in and got it and we ate in her car and talked.

"I have a really random question for you" She said eating a fry


"Will you come with me tomorrow night to try on my wedding dress? They made some alterations and I have to see how it fits"

"You want my opinion on your wedding dress?"

"Please.... Sarah is busy and I don't know who else to ask because my dress is supposed to be a total surprise to everyone"

"I'd love to come see your kook dress" I teased her

"I'll pick you up at 5 if that's okay? We can stop and get food"

"Sounds good! I'm only going for the food" I said joking

She dropped me off and I was anxious to see her dress. I don't know why but I was curious to see what she picked out.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now