story 188

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Kie's POV:

JJ and I started dating when we were in 10th grade and at first, my parents weren't happy about it. They didn't like JJ, but they got to know him and soon he was part of the family. He'd go on our family vacations, spend the holidays with us, and my parents even let him basically live with us in the guest room.

My dad and JJ got pretty close. They'd go on fishing trips together, work at the Wreck together, and even watch professional games like football, hockey, and soccer together. It was actually kinda cool that my dad liked him so much.

I was going to college and JJ was going into the trades to be an electrician. My parents were helping pay for his school. We dated throughout college and JJ started working about two years later full time. He was saving to buy a house. Our future was about to really start. For the first time, JJ and I would have our own full time jobs, a house, we talked about marriage and kids. Our dreams were all coming true.

I graduated college and moved back home with my parents while our house was being built. I did a bunch of interviews and got an amazing job. About three months later, JJ and I had moved into our house. We couldn't be happier. However, three months later, we split up. JJ and I started fighting and arguing and it wasn't healthy for either of us.

I moved back in with my parents and I've been a mess now for a few weeks. I missed JJ so much. I was miserable without him. I was twenty-four and sitting on the couch on a Saturday night and my parents came and sat with me.

"Honey, what can we do to help you?" My mom asked

"Nothing..." I said quietly

I then added, "I just miss him so much. We've been together for eight years. I thought he was the one that I was going to marry" I said starting to cry again

My dad hugged me, "I miss him too..."

A few months passed by and I was coping without JJ. This weekend was Pope's wedding. I was one of the bridesmaids with Sarah and JJ was one of the groomsmen along with John B.

I walked down the aisle alone behind Sarah and I watched John B watch his wife walk down. I also found myself looking at JJ. This was supposed to be us. We were supposed to get married. We all watched Cleo come down in her gorgeous dress. Pope and Cleo got married and now it was time for the reception.

Pope was the first one to say, "You two bette don't ruin my wedding just because you broke up"

"We won't, we're happy for you" I said faking a smile

I didn't let my gloomy mood and the fact that I don't believe in love anymore ruin the night. I hid my emotions and pretended to have a great night. However, as the night was winding down, I snuck outside as I needed some air.

My dad came to check on me and he hugged me and said, "You've done a really good job hiding your feelings tonight. I know it can't be easy for you... Have you and JJ talked?"

"No, not really.. I'm happy for Pope and Cleo, I really am. I just don't believe in love anymore" I told my dad

"Don't say that, Kiara. You and JJ were great together, but if he's stupid enough to let you go, he isn't the one. I promise you there is a boy out there who will love you and never leave you. Don't give up on love, you're too young to not believe in it"

I sat outside and watched everyone leave. I was sitting on a big porch swing when some guy named Tyler came and sat next to me.

"You don't like all this mushy love shit either?" He asked

"No, not really my thing anymore"

"Sounds like you have a story"

"Yeah... How about you?"

Tyler and I talked for an hour and we had a lot in common. He just got out of a really long relationship too. We started hanging out and a few weeks later, we were dating. We were taking things really slow and we both needed that. He knew all about JJ and I knew all about his ex, Katie.

Tyler and I kept our relationship private for about two months before I introduced him to my friends. I knew JJ would be there and I was nervous for Tyler and JJ to meet.

We arrived at the Chateau and I introduced Tyler to everyone.

I was laying in the hammock after everyone had fallen asleep. JJ appeared and he laid in hammock with me.

"Hey" He said

"Hi" I replied

"I fucked up.... I fell in love with a girl way out of my league and somehow she loved me. We were so happy together. Our life was just beginning and then I dumped her"

"Yeah, you did fuck up" I answered

He laughed and asked, "Did you know that when we were fourteen, I told your dad that I was going to marry you?"

I laughed and said, "No, what'd he say?"

"Over my dead body... He hated me. But then right after we turned sixteen we got talking one night and he asked if I was serious about marrying you and I said yes. We talked and he gave me his blessing.... At  sixteen years old, your dad gave me his blessing. At eighteen years old, he asked me if I had any plans to propose. In college, I showed him the ring I bought..."

"Hold up, you bought a ring?" I asked shocked

"Yeah, I've been saving for that damn thing since high school"

"Jayge, we'd you break up with me?"

"Honestly, there's no good answer besides that I flipped. The day we broke up, that night I was going to propose. I freaked out and thought you'd be better off without me so I ended it.... I know it was a really shitty thing to do and I regret it now so much, but it worked out for the best. You found Tyler and he really likes you"

"It doesn't matter how much Tyler likes me... Because my heart still beats for you"

"It does?" He asked surprised

"Of course, it does... I miss you and so do my parents... Can we please figure our shit out?"

"So you want to try again?"

"Yeah, I.. I love you"

"I love you too, babe" He said about to kiss me but I stopped him

"I need to talk to Tyler before this goes any further"

I went inside and he was asleep in the guest room. I slept on the couch and the next day, after we left, I told Tyler we needed to talk.

"JJ is still in love with you and you still love him. I know"

"How?" I asked shocked

"I can tell by the way you guys look at each other. It's okay, you deserve happiness. Go be with JJ"

I hugged Tyler goodbye and then I went back over to JJ's. It's funny, because he proposes to me that night. We got married a few months later and just had a small wedding. My parents were so happy to officially have JJ as their son. Tyler even came to my wedding and he was happy for me.

JJ and I were happily married and we couldn't be happier. We were sitting on the plane on our way to our honeymoon in Yucatán. He grabbed my hand as we took off and said, "Let's go on an adventure, baby"

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