story 42 - part 2

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Kie had been here for a week and today, we dropped Lauren off with John B and Sarah for the weekend, and Kie and I flew to Pennsylvania to get her car and grab the rest of her stuff at Patrick's house.

We took an Uber to the house and it was super nice compared to the shack I lived in. We went inside and I helped Kie pack up all her stuff along with all Lauren's stuff. I went and got a trailer for all the big items like the beds, dressers, all the baby stuff that Kie was saving. It took us all day and her large SUV was jam-packed. It was late and we went to her aunt's house to spend the night. Kie introduced me to her aunt and her aunt was a bitch.

"He'll be sleeping on the couch..."

"Why? What's he going to do? Knock me up again?" Kie asked annoyed bringing me to her room and locking the door

Her room was super nice and she went and took a shower and then I did the same. We were both exhausted and she packed a few things she still had here. She went into the walk-in closet and grabbed a photo album and sat down next to me on the bed.

She had all her pregnancy pictures and pictures of Lauren. I loved seeing them and listening to her tell me about them. She looked amazing pregnant. Wait? What am I saying, I have a girlfriend who I am in love with.

Kie and I talked about parenting and our next steps for helping Lauren adjust to this. We both fell asleep late and got up early to head home. We took turns driving and we got back to his house and we spent the whole day re-doing my old to make it into Lauren's room. Kie was in the tiny guest room, cramped in there but she didn't complain. My house was a complete mess with all the stuff from the girls, but I was so excited to be a dad.

Lauren came home and we showed her the new room. Tomorrow we were letting her pick out a paint color. Kie was able to keep her job and just do it all online. She made bank and her company was paying for her to finish her schooling. My girlfriend came over a lot and she got along great with Kie.

It was late and Kie and I were sitting on the couch and Kie asked, "So, when are you going to propose?"

I looked at her and she was laughing and I said, "Hasn't even crossed my mind..."

We had been dating for two and a half years. Kie looked surprised and then we just talked about my girlfriend and about Patrick. Tomorrow I was going away for the weekend with my girlfriend. I was leaving and I asked Kie, "Are you sure you'll be okay all by yourself?"

"I'll be fine... Go have fun, you deserve it." She smiled

Kie's POV:

JJ was gone for the weekend with Kylie and Lauren and I missed him like crazy. When he got home, he took a shower and hung out with Lauren. I was doing laundry and making dinner. Lauren went to bed early and we stayed up to watch a movie. The TV wasn't connecting to Netflix so he said, "Come on, let's just watch it in my room."

We went to his bedroom and I felt so uncomfortable and awkward being in here at first. We were laying in bed and JJ said, "Relax, I washed the sheets."

I relaxed and we watched two movies and the next thing I knew, I woke up in bed with JJ to Lauren seeing us in bed together. Shit...

"I wanna sleep with you and daddy!" Lauren said crawling into bed between us

"Goodmorning, baby girl," I said smiling at her as she laid between me and JJ

JJ and I both hugged her and then we got up and made breakfast. We went to the chateau and Sarah grabbed me and asked, "So, how's my favorite little family?"

"We're good... Really good, JJ is amazing with her. I wish he could have been in her life sooner... We've also been sleeping in the same bed, just sleeping. But Lauren walked in on us sleeping next to each other."

"Damn, you two might be expecting another baby soon." Sarah said making that face at me as a joke and I looked at her worried and totally serious

"Don't judge me for this, but honestly I have thought about it."

"You still love him, don't you?"

"Yeah, but he's in a real relationship, and Kylie, she's great. And I'm just happy that he's finally happy after all those years with his dad."

"Kie, he might be happy with Kylie but I haven't seen him this happy since high school. You and Lauren are the key to his happiness"

A few days had passed and Kylie and I got into a big fight. We were at the Chateau with everyone. Lauren was asleep inside, thankfully and we were outside. It was over something so stupid, but it turned into this huge thing where she told me to get the hell out and go move on and stop living with JJ. She was going to marry him, he loved her, they were going to be a family with Lauren.

We were screaming at each other when JJ walked outside. She was getting in my face and the fight turned physical. She pushed me back and I hit her and she grabbed my hair. Suddenly, they were trying to pull us apart. JJ wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me away. He was holding me back and I was trying to run towards her. JJ carried me away and John B and Pope brought Kylie inside. I was just waiting for him to blow up and freak out. But he said nothing. I think this is way worse.

I just sat down and looked at him like a little kid who was about to get yelled at by their parents.

"Just say it," I said after a minute of silence

"What the fuck do you want me to say? You just got in a literal fight with my girlfriend."

"I don't know! Just whatever your thinking because your silence is so much worse. Just get it over with, say it, I don't give a shit what it is. I'm so fucking over this." I said not caring what he said

"You wanna know exactly what I'm thinking right now? Really?"

"Yeah, because I can't stand you just looking at me and not saying anything." I bitched back at him and he still didn't say anything

"Oh my god!" I said getting up ready to walk away as I couldn't do this anymore

"I fucking love you, Kie. Okay? I love you even though I know I shouldn't because of Kylie but I do. I love you and our beautiful daughter. I want us to be a family. I want more babies with you. I want you, Kie.. Fuck that, I need you." He said and it made me freeze in place

"What?" I asked almost in tears as that was not what I was expecting

"The only thing that I can think about right now is how much I fucking love you," He said as he walked towards me and he slowly leaned in and he kissed me

I didn't kiss him back. He just lightly touched his lips to mine and then pulled away, leaving me wanting more. My heart was racing we were still inches apart. I whispered, "I love you" and then I kissed him and we made out.

In the next few days, JJ and Kylie broke up, JJ and I were officially back together and we told Lauren. She loved having mommy and daddy together. A few short months later, JJ proposed and said he never wanted to lose me. We had a small wedding three months later and it was perfect. I was pregnant with our second baby and JJ was ecstatic and Lauren wanted to be a big sister so bad.

I loved my life because I got to share it with JJ and our kids.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now