story 58 - part 1

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Kie's POV:

We all went to college and started working. Pope went to Harvard, Cleo went back to the Bahamas, I went to college in California, and JJ was working at the country club. John B and Sarah were still chasing the gold. Sarah was pregnant with their first baby boy and they had a little girl right after him.

We were all doing adult things like working, going to school, those things that sucked. We all got a call that Sarah and John B had been found dead. They were on a tiny plane going to the Bahamas and it crashed during a storm. All I could think about was if the kids were on the plane. I dropped everything and I got on the first plane back home from California.

I went to the chateau and found JJ, his girlfriend, Pope, and Cleo all there. I walked in and started crying. Pope was the first one to hug me and JJ came and joined the hug.

"Were the babies with them?" I asked scared to know the answer

"No, Wheezie was watching them" Cleo said and I was relieved

We all just sat there and cried and talked about our best friends. The funeral was tomorrow and we all spent the night at the chateau together.

We all got dressed the next morning and headed to the church. I was in a simple black dress and I was a mess. I lost my two best friends, the pogues were more upset over John B, they never knew Sarah like I did.

We all sat down together in the front and I saw Wheezie with her family and the two kids. I started crying looking at those babies who lost both their parents. JJ hugged me as he could see I was about to completely lose it. I was crying and whispered, "I know... I know..."

He was crying too. We all cried throughout the service. Then Wheezie approached us with the two kids in the stroller and she was talking to Pope. Their daughter who was only two months old was fussy and I picked her up and held her and I tried to hold it together. Wheezie came over to me and said, "I need to talk to you and JJ alone"

I grabbed JJ and the three of us walked away. I was still holding Sophia Elizabeth Routledge, their little girl. We were outside and Wheezie said, "After we found out about the accident, we were informed that they had a will where they requested that if anything ever happened to them that the two of you would be granted full custody of their children."

JJ and I looked at each other and I was in shock. I looked at Wheezie and she said, "I'm too young to take care of them. If you guys don't my dad and Rose will get custody or Rafe and his girlfriend will."

"Of course, we'll do it" I said looking at the precious baby in my arms

"Yeah" JJ said and Wheezie handed us an orange envelope and told us to meet her at the police station to sign papers tomorrow

We were leaving and were still in shock with everything. We got back to the chateau and it was raining. JJ and I went into John B's bedroom and locked the door to talk.

"This is crazy" He said

"I know, fuck my job is in California and you're here and you have Alyssa. What the hell are we supposed to do? We can't let Ward or Rafe get their kids" I said freaking out

"I'm not ready to be a dad, there's a reason I said I never wanted kids. My father was a piece of shit and I know I'd be a shitty father. I can't be the one to fuck up John B and Sarah's kids"

"You aren't going to fuck them up, you couldn't even if you tried. You've always been the cool uncle to Logan and the overprotective uncle to Sophia."

We sat down on the bed together and read the legal papers and then a note from John B and Sarah came out and it was short and read;

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now