story 79

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Kie's POV:

We were all seniors in high school and I was dating this guy, Conner. He was a kook, but he hung out with pogues just like me. He was so perfect. We had been together for two months and my parents loved him.

All the pogues also really liked him and we were all hanging out at the chateau. We were just sitting aorund the fire and talking while drinking.

We were all a bit tipsy and just having fun. This was something we did almost every weekeend. However, this was Conner's first time coming to this hangout. I was hoping tonight would finally be the night we had sex.

I was purposely wearing a cute outfit and being extra flirty with him. It was getting late and I was getting excited for what could happen. Conner had been whispering naughty things in my ear all night and I just wanted it to happen.

"Hey, I'm going to grab some more firewood. Conner, can you help me?" JJ asked getting up from his spot

"Sure" Conner said leaving me with his drink

The two went to the shed to grab some more wood and when they returned a few minutes later, Conner sat back down. He was acting different all of the sudden. He left a gap between us and stopped flirting with me.

About ten minutes later, he got up and said, "Thanks for inviting me tonight. It's getting late and I better get home"

"I'll take you" I offered

"Nah, I need the walk to clear my head before bed. Goodnight everyone" Conner said leaving without even trying to kiss me goodbye

I looked at JJ and he looked down at the groud. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the sleeve of his shirt and brought him away from the group.

"What the fuck did you do?"I asked knowing he did something

"Nothing" He denied

"Bullshit" I said pissed

"Fine, I told him to fuck off"

"Why? Why would you tell my boyfriend that?"

"Because he's a shitty boyfriend and he just wants to have sex with you"

"How would you know that?"

"I can tell"

"Why? Because you sleep with every girl you look at. So you can fuck whoever you want but I can't. Nice double standards" I said walking away from him

I was walking to my car and John B said, "Kie, you aren't driving. You're drunk."

"I don't fucking care. I hate JJ! He basically just told Conner to fuck off and he ended things with him for me."

"Dude, not cool!" John B said looking at JJ

"That's seriously fucked" Sarah said looking at JJ

"Toxic behavior" Pope's girlfriend said

Pope stayed quiet and JJ gave him a look and I said, "Tell me, Pope"

"Uhh, nothing" He said panicking

"Fucking tell me!" I yelled

"Okay, damn it I'm sorry JJ.. Kie, he's been telling guys for a long time to not date you, to not kiss you, to not try to hook up with you. He scares every guy that's intrested in you away"

"So this has happened before?" I screamed looking at JJ

"Yeah, it has. But those guys are fucking pricks and they don't care about you. You deserve so much better"

"You don't get to have a say in what I deserve. You've never even been in a relationship. FUCK YOU!"

"Kie, I was just trying to help"

"But you're not helping. I can't do this right now because I'm going to say something I regret. Just know that I'm so pissed at you. I have no idea why you would do this to me" I said trying not to cry

"Because I'm in love with you!" He yelled and that caught my attention

"I know what I did was shitty but I only did it because I hate hearing guys talk about wanting to hook up with you. I'm one of those guys who hooks up with girls and ghosts them and I know it's a shitty thing to do. I just never want you to be some number for a guy trying to raise his body count. I want you to be with someone who loves you and actually cares about you"

"So you want me all to yourself?"

"Kie, can we talk alone?" He asked

"No... Just say whatever you want to say"

"I didn't like Conner but you seemed happy so with him so wasn't going to say anything until Tristan sent me this" JJ said handing me his phone

It was a screenshot of messages between Conner, Tristan, and Oliver. They were all pretty close friends they all had bets to see who could sleep with the most girls. There were pictures Conner took of me that I didn't even know about. There were some nasty things said about me and I looked at JJ and he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to find out because I knew it would hurt you. I just wanted to make sure Conner knew not to mess with you because he'll have to deal with me"

I looked back at the phone and felt so embarrassed that not only did Conner, Tristan, and Oliver see these pictures of me but so did JJ.

There were a few of me drunk at a party. Then there were pictures Conner took without me knowing in the shower. There was also one of me sleeping but my shirt was off and I was just in my bra. Conner took these.

I started crying and I gave JJ his phone back. John B said, "Give it here, let me see"

JJ put his phone away and said, "Sorry man, but it's private"

I ran in the chateau and Sarah followed me and so did JJ. They both sat next to me and Sarah hugged me and JJ kept his distance as he knew I was pissed.

I told JJ to show Sarah the pictures and he did. Sarah was pissed and said it was illegal. She promised to take care of it. JJ said, "I'm going to go back out there since Sarah's here."

"You can stay" I said not wanting him to go

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I whispered moving from Sarah's arms to his

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you"

"I'm sorry for everything else I did. It was stupid and there's no excuse" He said

"It's okay... I'll get over it. Thank you for protecting me"

"Always" He said wrapping his arms around me and hugging me

We went back outside and Sarah left with JJ's phone and went to the police. She returned and said, "It's done."

JJ and I were cool now a few days later. I asked him to hang out alone and he agreed. He came over to my house and I said, "So it's been really driving me crazy knowing that you saw those pictures of me"

"I swear I just looked at them once to know what they were when they were sent. They are still on my phone for police evidence but I promise no one including myself will look at them"

"I trust you... I also just wanted to say that I might have been extra that night flirting with Conner because I wanted you to be jealous"

Suddenly, JJ became very interested in this conversation. He looked at me and said, "Well it worked"

"Good... Because I love you too" I said

JJ grabbed me and he kissed me and I kissed him back. He broke the kiss and said, "I'm warning you right now that I know I'm not good enough for you."

"And you're wrong.. You're perfect for me. I don't care what could happen in the future. I just want you now and we'll figure the rest out later. I love you"

JJ kissed me and I felt this love that I've never felt before. It was like JJ was the boy I had always been searching for. I never thought it would be him who I fell in love with.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now