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Kie's POV:

John B and Sarah were married with two adorable little kids and Sarah was pregnant with their third. Pope married this really awesome girl named Cleo. They had a two-year-old son and a newborn little boy. JJ was still JJ. He never settled down and had no intentions of ever getting married and he didn't want kids.

I've been on so many dates over the years and I just couldn't see myself with any of them. I was getting older and I was so sick of getting hurt by stupid boys. I always wanted to be a mom, so I made the decision to just get a sperm donor. I met with this company and they sent over a bunch of folders with different guys and information for me to pick.

I told the pogues and they were all super supportive of my decision. I was going over to the Chateau to hang out with the Pogues. It was late and all the kids were in bed. Cleo stayed home with their kids.

We were sitting in the living room and they were all looking at the folders with my of possible candidates. I wished the folders contained pictures. They only had information.

"You should go with this guys, he's got his PhD. That will make your baby smart" Pope said

"He had a PhD, which makes him a nerd, which means he's probably ugly" Sarah said not liking Pope's choice

Sarah was pretty much running the show and after looking at all twenty guys, we had a reason why I shouldn't pick them for each one.

"This is almost as hard as dating. I wish I knew what these guys looked like then maybe it would be easier to pick one" I said frustrated

It was getting late and we were all headed home. I was getting in my car and I noticed JJ was walking home.

"J, do you want a ride?" I called out

"Yeah" He said getting in my car as I started driving the short distance to his house

The whole way we mainly talked about me trying to have a kid. I parked my car and JJ took a breath and he said, "I know you're struggling because you don't know those guys. I don't want kids, but I'd happily give you some of my swimmers and no one would ever have to know. I'd just be cool uncle JJ. Don't say anything right now, just think about it. If it's a stupid idea, just pretend I never mentioned it"

He got out of my car before I could respond and went inside. I left and I went home to my house on Figure Eight. It was so lonely here. I couldn't wait to have a little one to help fill my house and my heart. I spent all night thinking about JJ's offer and I didn't see him for almost two weeks. I showed up at his house and knocked on the front door. He opened it and invited me inside.

"So, I've thought about your offer and if you're sure you're really okay with it then it's what I want"

"Yeah, of course" He said

"Thank you" I said with tears in my eyes because I was finally going to get my baby

JJ and I talked and my most fertile day was coming up and he asked, "How do you want to do this? Do you want to just do like a turkey baster? Or do you actually want to do it?"

I haven't even thought about this. I couldn't sleep my best friend but I didn't want to have a turkey baster baby. I told him I'd just do the turkey baster because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. A few days later, I showed up at JJ's house and he asked, "You ready for this?"

"Yeah, are you?"

We talked and we both agreed this is still what we wanted to do. JJ let me got hang out in his bedroom and he went into the bathroom and he handed me a cup full of his sperm. Now it was my turn. I got it all figured out and then I exited his room. I was hoping this wouldn't make our friendship awkward and it thankfully didn't. However, after two months of trying this and I still wasn't pregnant.

I showed up at JJ's and I asked him, "Can we actually do it and see if that does the trick?"

"You want to have sex?" He asked clarifying and I nodded yes

"Can we get drunk first?" I asked to make it way less awkward

"Fuck yes" He said going to the fridge

JJ and I were wasted a few hours later and I don't even remember having sex with him. However, this month we were successful and I was pregnant. JJ was the first person I told and he was super happy for me. I then told the pogues and as far as they knew, I just picked a random guy. My mom and dad were also super happy for me.

The pregnancy went by super quickly and I was ready to have this baby. Ever since I got pregnant, JJ's been super helpful and he always wanted to know how I was doing. I wondered if he cared because it was his baby or if was just trying to be nice.

My water broke and I headed to the hospital, my mom drove me. I texted in the group message that I was in labor. After many long hours, the baby was placed on my chest and I was crying tears of happiness. My little baby was finally here. I named her Sophia Anna Carrera. She was perfect.

The pogues all came in to meet her my eyes locked with JJ immediately. I introduced them to my little baby and then I handed her to JJ first. They passed her around and they were all in love with her.

She was growing up fast and I've never been happier. She was three months old and JJ was going to watch her while I went shopping with Sarah. He was so good with her and he was always helping out the best he could.

It had already been a year and we had a big party for her first birthday and lately, I've caught JJ sneaking away with the baby. And not in a bad way. For example, we had all the kids at the Chateau and JJ took Sophia outside and held her as he sat in the hammock. At my parents for her first birthday party, he was up in her room getting her up from her nap. It was super cute.

I was just getting Sophia up for the day when JJ walked in.

"Say good morning daddy" I said as the words just accidentally flew out of my mouth

"Fuck.. There's JJ, uncle JJ" I corrected myself

JJ looked at me and then he looked at Sophia and he was taking her for the day as I had so much work to do in the office. When I got home, JJ had her in bed and I said, "I'm so sorry about what I said earlier"

"It's okay, honestly it's not a big deal"

"I know you already gave me one amazing baby but would you consider giving me another one? I just don't was Soph to grow up an only child"

"Yeah, whenever you want" He said hugging me

A few weeks passed by and JJ and I had sex again, very drunk of course. It took a few months of trying but I finally got pregnant and when I was five months along, JJ was over as I wasn't feeling the best. Sophia fell asleep on my chest as she rested on my little bump. JJ looked at me with tears in his eyes and I immediately knew what was wrong.

I got up and out Sophia in her crib and I went back and JJ said, "I can't do this anymore, Kie. I never wanted kids before because I didn't think I'd be a good dad but now I have a daughter and another baby on the way and fuck I love them both so much and I love you. I love watching you be a mom to Soph and I know we agreed I'd be the uncle but I can't. I need to be their dad"

"I know you do and I want you to be" I said crying and I hugged him

He pulled back enough to look at me and he said, "Kie, I don't just want to be their dad. I want to be your husband and have a real family together"

"I want that too" I whispered as he kissed me

We were making out and I said, "We need to legally go change Sophia's last name to Maybank"

JJ got the biggest smile on his face and he kissed me again. That night, we told our friends and they had no idea and were super supportive and excited for us. It was my mom and dad that were upset but they loved Sophia and that's all that mattered.

I'm so lucky that it was JJ that I picked and not some random person. He gave me the most perfect daughter, and another baby on the way. We both knew we wanted more kids together. We were both finally getting the family we always dreamed about as children. 

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now