story 10

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Things were the same old in the OBX. Kie and Pope had been broken up for a while and things finally went back to normal between them. We were stranded on that island for about a week before a cargo ship took up back to OBX.

Kie and I had some intense moments and I've been in love with her forever. I just never worked up the courage to tell her. This is funny because most people assume I'm fearless and I am, except when it comes to doing something that involves losing Kie. We've had so many moments and I suddenly just felt confident. I knew her parents were gone this weekend and I went to her house and knocked on the door.

She opened the door and she looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing shorts and a crop top. 

"Hey.." She said smiling

"Hey.. So I'm sorry for the past few days things have been weird and crazy since we got back. I know I'm going to be breaking a million rules here but I can't say anything. Kie, we've been friends forever and I can't ever lose you as my friend because I meant when I said you're it. You're the one I feel safe with, the one who calls me out on my bullshit, the one who is there for me no matter what. I've never had someone who cares about me like you do. I'm done pretending that I don't love you because I do and the only reason I haven't told you is because of the fucking rule but John B and Pope both broke it so I figured it's my turn..."

Kie cut me off and I said, "Please let me keep going before I panic and can't say this anymore. My only reason for not telling you that I'm in love with you....."

I was cut off when I heard Pope's voice and Kie opened the door to reveal Pope.

"Hey, JJ! What's up?" Pope asked smiling

"Hey!" I said totally caught off guard

"I've been meaning to tell you but I told Kie I'm still in love with her and she agreed to give it another shot."

"That's great, man. Really fucking great.." I said fake smiling to hold back tears

"J, wait.." Kie said

"No, it's cool. I'm happy for you two.." I said turning around and letting the tears fall from my eyes as I walked away from Kie's house

I got on my bike and went home. My dad's been gone and it's been so nice but right now I was craving the adrenaline rush of a fight. So I went to Barry's place and picked a fight with him. It felt so good to be punched. It made me feel something other than the pain of Pope being with the girl I loved.

Barry had done a damn good job. I went home and smoked a j and chugged a few beers. I was so pissed off. Tonight there was a party at the Boneyard and I showed up, wasted. I remember seeing Sarah and John B there with Kie and Pope. Before the happy couples came over to me, I grabbed a random chick and started making out with her. One thing lead to another and I was too drunk to remember any of it. 

I woke up in the girl's bed and I snuck home before I had to do the whole awkward morning thing. I got back home and there was no food so I settled on beer. I was drinking my second beer when the door opened and Kie stood there. Fuck.

"J, we need to talk.." She said seriously

"Yeah, well I'm way too fucking drunk to focus. Go home back to your perfect Pope and leave me the fuck alone."

"I didn't know.." She said

"Bullshit, Kie! Fucking bullshit." I said throwing an empty beer bottle on the floor and it shattered. It was in the opposite direction of Kie but it still made her jump and made me feel bad for acting like my father in front of her

"I know you felt what I felt. When the twinkie was sinking, the hot tub, being b team trapped in the shipping container, closing that door with everyone on the ship, you jumping into the ocean to save me, everything that happened on the lifeboat, and everything on the island. Bullshit, Kie. You and I both know there is something there. But I don't care anymore. I'm over you. Go back to Pope, you deserve him." I said

Kie left and I grabbed a new beer. I felt bad for yelling at her but she had to of been lying. There is no way this was all in my head. A few days went by and midsummers was approaching. Pope was going as Kie's guest and John B was going as Sarah's guest (Rose and Wheezie came back to OBX, Ward and Rafe were still hiding away with the gold and the cross).

I was stuck working the stupid gig. I put on the fancy kook suit and got all dressed up. When I got there, I immediately got into a fight with Topper. Again, it felt good to be hit. My body craved the adrenaline. I was minding my own business working when I saw Pope and Kie show up together. This year, Kie was in a red dress. It was stunning. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I saw her hanging out with Pope and then the next thing I knew she texted me to meet her in a certain place. It was the same place where Sarah and John B met.

"Hey.." She said when she saw me

"You look beautiful." I said 

"Thank you.." 

"You're wrong there was just something there the past few months, JJ." She said pausing and before I could argue she started speaking again

"There has always been something there... I just never thought you could fall in love..." She whispered

"You're the only one I could ever love. It's always been you, Kie. It will always be you.." I said kissing her

She kissed me back and we started to make out. It felt like a scene from a movie. It was perfect. So perfect that they moved the spotlight from the dancefloor onto us and all the kooks were watching. We broke the kiss and Kie had the biggest smile on her face.

"Come on, Kiara, you could do so much better than that fucking pogue." Topper yelled

"Fuck off, Topper. I love JJ and nothing is ever going to change that." She said kissing me again as we both raised our middle fingers 

"You wanna get out of here?" Kie asked smirking

"Hell yes.." I said grabbing her hand as we ran together through the crowd

I only had my bike here. I gave her my only helmet and she got on the back of my bike and wrapped her arms around me. I drove back to my house with my girl on the back of my bike. 

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now