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Kie's POV:

Sarah and I were super bored and we had nothing to do. We decided to grab her camera and take cute best friend pictures. So middle school, we know but we had nothing better to do.

We took a few cute pictures with the self-timer and then Sarah got an idea. She wanted to take some special pictures for John B. I agreed to take them and we went shopping and got all the right things. We were doing a boudoir photography session on her dad's boat and the chateau as the boys were in school today.

They were turning out amazing and then Sarah said, "Your turn"

"No way, besides I don't have anyone to give them to"

"So what? Go change, we're doing this"

I changed and Sarah started snapping pictures. I'll admit, she was doing an amazing job. It felt weird being literally naked now as my best friend took pictures. She had me take a few on JJ's dirtbike. Ths felt so wrong but it was kinda fun. She was going to have her friend print them.

We hung out with the boys that night and they had no idea what our day consisted of and we planned on keeping it that way. Sarah was joking that I should give them to Pope because he kept confessing his love to me and I kept shooting him down.

It had been a week and I totally forgot all about it. Sarah handed me a yellow envelope and said, "Here you go, sexy"

JJ grabbed the envelope out of my hands and started walking away. I followed him and my heart was racing.

"Please don't open that.." I said freaking out

"Why? What's the secret?" He asked slowly opening it

"JJ, give that to me.." I said pissed at him as I tried to grab it from him

He opened it and pulled out a few pictures and he saw exactly what they were and he froze. He looked at them quickly and then at me who was totally embarrassed. He put the pictures back and he handed me the envelope as he quickly turned away and walked outside.

I followed him and I saw him and realized why he left so quickly.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked but I can't control it.."  He said clearly embarrassed as he gestured to his midsection

"What picture did you see?" I asked opening the envelope and pulling out the one on top and showing it to him and he said that was it.

I was literally fully covered in that one. This shocked me that he was so turned on by that one picture.

"Why?" He asked

"You were never supposed to see these," I said still angry that he invaded my privacy as I grabbed the picture back from him

"You're the one who showed me it again. I'm sorry, I wouldn't have opened it if I would have known what was inside." He said feeling guilty

"Tell anyone and I will kill you" I threatened as I got in my car and left with the pictures before anyone else saw them

I went home and sorted through them. I grabbed the one of me wearing just a thong and lace bra on JJ's bike and put it in my car. The next day, he pretended as nothing had ever happened. He was cool about it which I appreciated but I also found myself realizing I had this new power over him. Which was kinda fun as I would tease him as it drove him crazy.

This went on for a few weeks and then JJ got this new "girlfriend" who was just his hook-up buddy. It drove me crazy but I played it off as I didn't care until tonight. Tonight, we were at a party at some new house that Rose Cameron was selling. There were lots of people there and JJ was sucking face with that girl.

I walked up to him and I put a picture in his ass pocket of his shorts. He saw me walk away and a few seconds later, JJ grabbed my hand and lead me to an empty bedroom. He shut and locked the door and he kissed me without saying a word. We were making out and he broke apart and said, "That picture is sexy as fuck... I can't pretend like there isn't something here. I want you, Kie..."

I wasn't expecting this reaction, but I went with it as I pulled his shirt off and he started ripping clothes off of me and we had sex. It was amazing and there was so much anticipation that had been built up over the years.

"I want to make this picture into a poster and hang it on my bedroom wall. I'm taking down all my sports illustrated girls and replacing them with your pictures" He said kissing my neck

We both got dressed and snuck back to the party like nothing had happened. We acted like nothing happened and things went back to normal. I got a text from JJ a few days later and he told me to come over. He never invited anyone over to his house. I drove over there and he was waiting outside.

"I have a surprise for you and I don't know how you're going to feel about it..." JJ said nervously putting his hands in his pocket

"I guess you'll find out..." I said nervously to know what the surprise was

He told me to follow him and I did and he brought me to his bedroom where he had the picture I gave him as a poster hanging on his wall. My face turned red instantly and he smiled and said, "Told you"

"Oh my gosh, JJ.. This is humiliating.." I said totally embarrassed

He grabbed me and hugged me and he said, "Don't be embarrassed, Kie. I only put hot girls on my wall.."

I laughed and played it off and he kissed me. I kissed him back and then we broke the kiss and I said, "I don't think we should do this..."

I left his house and I felt like shit. I just got freaked out and had a mini panic attack. I went home and I hid the rest of the pictures Sarah took. That was an awful idea. I went home and I laid in my bed all night.

The next day, I was at the chateau with the boys and Sarah. I was wearing a sweatshirt over my bikini. I couldn't even look at JJ. It was so pathetic.

"Kie, can we talk?" He asked in front of everyone which caused everyone to look at me

"Sure..." I said as he walked outside and I followed him

We both knew the pogues were going to watch us and listen to our conversation. So JJ got in the HMS pogue and I followed him and he took off and drove into the marsh. Once we were away from everything, he killed the engine and he got up and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry about the other day. It was wrong that I violated your personal pictures like that..." He spoke

"I'm not mad about it. I just couldn't believe you took down all your other posters and replaced them with me. I just feel like you've seen and been with people way more sexy and pretty and just better than me."

"None of the girls have ever mattered. I know there's been a lot and I know exactly how it makes me look. But the girls were all just for fun, for me to feel something and forget about my shitty life for a while. And it worked for an hour or so but they left and I was alone again. You never leave me even when you want to, you stay. You make me feel wanted, supported, and loved. You are real, the posters of the models aren't. You're sexy as fuck, but you're also so beautiful. Your personality, your smile, your laugh, the way your eyes light up when you're happy. Everything about you is perfect. I'm in love with you and I have been for a long time..."

I was trying not to cry as I hugged JJ. I stayed in his arms and asked, "Wanna spend the night together in the secret spot?"

He smiled as he kissed me. The sun had almost set and JJ was driving the boat to the pogues secret spot on the beach. We got there and he built a fire. We sat there making out under the stars and of course the making out turned into more.

We woke up early with the sun and JJ asked, "What are we going to tell everyone? I dropped you off last night? we got lost at sea?"

I laughed and said, "Whatever you want to say"

I kissed him as we got in the boat to go back to the chateau and the pogues were all waiting for us

"Where were you two last night?" Pope asked like a strict father

I looked at JJ and said, "Having the best sex of our lives"

The three pogues looked shocked and JJ just grabbed me and kissed me.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now