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Kie's POV:

We were getting close to finding the gold. We were still trapped on poguelandia and John B had us split up and tackle different tasks.

We had found a real boat and JJ and I were going around to explore the waters around the island. We were planning on taking a full lap around the island just to see what was on the other side.

The island was much bigger than either of us expected. We got about half way around and dark clouds started to roll in.

"I don't like the looks of this" JJ said

"Neither do I" I said worried as it started to pour

JJ and I were being pelted by rain and the boat was going crazy in the massive waves. This storm came out of nowhere. I hope the others are okay.

The engine turned off and the bit was already in rough shape. The holes that had been patched were slowly starting to leak. JJ noticed and he put the blanket in his backpack. We could see the shoreline a few free away. He looked at me as the boat started filling with water.

"We're going to have to swim. Meet me on the beach. It's going to get rough out there and the water is freezing cold."

"Holy shit..." I said panicking and then that was it

The boat was going under and JJ and I were in the rough sea fighting out way to shore. He was keeping the backpack above his head. I got taken under by a few waves and after around ten minutes of struggling, I made it and JJ ran back into the water to help me.

I was coughing up water and shivering.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, are you? I'm freezing"

"I'm going to go and try and find some wood to start a fire" He said heading into the forest

It was going to be damn near impossible to start a fire with wet firewood. JJ returned and he built a fire and somehow he magically got it to start with some paper and a lighter he had in his backpack.

He pulled out a tarp and the blanket and he tied the tarp to the trees for us to sit under and stay dry. It was pretty small and we were both freezing. The rain had stopped but our clothes were still soaking. We were literally freezing to death.

"Take your clothes off. They're soaking wet and we aren't going to warm up this way. We'll hang out clothes by the fire to dry and curl up together under the blanket to warm up"

JJ started taking his clothes off. His wet clothes clung to his body. He was hanging his clothes by the fire and he was pulling off his boxers. I purposely looked in the other direction.

He came to me and said, "Come on, Kie.. I won't look. I don't want to freeze to death"

I started to take my clothes off until I was naked and JJ shockingly didn't even try to peak. He just careless walked around naked. We were both under the blanket freezing and he pulled me closer to him. This was so awkward but it was working. My body was slowly warming up.

"Where'd you learn this?" I asked

"Movie" He replied which made me laugh

We were both feeling much warmer but still cold. JJ said, "If you're comfortable with it, lay on top of me. It will keep our cores warm"

I moved so I was laying on top of his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. This warmed me up almost instantly. JJ's heart was racing and I fell asleep listening to it beat.

We were woken up to our friends calling out names from a distance. JJ and I slowly woke up and they surrounded us.

"Oh my gosh! You guys!!!" Cleo said seeing us under the blanket together and our clothes

"Damnnnn" John B teased

"Who woulda thought you two would hook up" Sarah said

Pope just laughed and said, "Happy for you guys"

"Nothing happened... We slept like this for warmth after the boat sank" JJ announced

"Yeah, sure..." John B said not believing him

"Dude, stop! I'm telling the truth. Can you guys all leave so we can get dressed" JJ said pissed

They all walked away laughing and making jokes. I was laying next to JJ and I looked at him and he said, "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, thank you for keeping me warm and safe" I said not wanting to move

"Anytime" JJ smirked at me

JJ didn't seem to jump at the chance to get up either. We laid there for a few more minutes before we heard John B scream from a long ways away, "Come on, love birds"

JJ and I started laughing and he got up and grabbed my clothes and brought them over to me. I put them back on and he took the tarp down and I grabbed the blanket. We headed towards the others and we eventually caught up to them as we headed toward our home base.

I know we slept like that to keep warm and it was for actual survival but there was a part of me that wondered if it meant something more.

We were all discussing what we found/saw when we split up. There was some arguing going on about what our next steps should be to get off this island. That night, I couldn't sleep. I was scared and cold and this was humiliating but I walked over to JJ and whispered, "Can I sleep here?"

"Yeah" He said as I laid down next to him

I looked at him and he said, "I'm glad you came over here because I was about to come to you. I can't sleep"

"Neither can I..." I said and he pulled me into his arms and I suddenly felt so safe

"J" I whispered again

"Huh? Oh, sorry" He said letting go of me

"No, I was just going to say that I feel so safe sleeping wrapped in your arms"

He put his arm back around me and pulled me even closer to him. He whispered back, "I feel safer having you in my arms"

I fell asleep in his arms and when we woke up the pogues were all giving us shit again. Kie was looking at me and I took her for a walk.

She was super quiet and seemed nervous. This so wasn't like her.

"Kie, what's going on?" I asked her and she started to cry

"I thought you were going to die in the water.... Once we were in the boat with the pogues and you woke up, I've never been so relieved... JJ, I think I'm in love you with you"

I hugged her and said, "It's okay, I'm fine. And I love you too, Kie"

I looked into her eyes and I leaned in and kissed her. After the kiss she hugged me and I just held her tight in my arms. She was my safe place. 

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now