story 157 (based on season 3)

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SEASON 3 SPOILERS in this story

* disclaimer - this story is based on OBX season 3, episode 5- I just put my own thoughts/ideas into the episode *


Kie and I kissed at my house when she came to check on me. I couldn't believe that she actually wanted to be with me after all this time. I kinda flipped but then she told me that she loved me. We had only been together officially for a few days.

I went with Kie to her house to talk to her parents. She had to try and convince them to let her out of the house tonight. She was trying to tell her parents that Ward was alive and about how they stole the gold and the cross from us. Her mom sat there repeating pretty much everything Kie said. At least she was trying to understand.

Kie's dad is an ass and said to Kiara, "Do you know how insane you sound?"

Anna tried to mediate the arguing between her husband and her daughter, but she also grew angry and confused with the situation. Kie looked at me and said, "JJ, a little help"

I tried to keep it simple by saying, "Ward's alive in the Caribbean. Living off the loot that he stole from us, and, uh... Yeah, he's flying the cross to Wilmington"

Mike looked at me and said, "Give me a break, man"

"You're right. What do I know, though? Just saw it with my own two eyes. So did Kiara, but whatever" I tried to play it off

"I'm skeptical, okay? I am skeptical, JJ, as in I think its all bullshit" He said as he raised his voice and his focus went to Kiara

He continued, "I think you've been led astray, Kiara"

He was pretty much all up in her face and then his focus went back to me. Shit. He was walking towards me as he said, "And you, JJ- let's get this out in the open. Let me tell you something. You need to understand that I do get it"

He was pissing me off so much. Not only was he being a total dick to me, he was being an ass to his own daughter. If I didn't like Kie so much, I would have started a fight.

I replied, "Sure, you do. Yeah. Sure. Sure you do" as I cracked my knuckles and my heart began to race

I was so close to losing my shit and totally going off. How could he even pretend to get it? Because he used to be a pogue? Well, he has no fucking idea what's it's like for me. I'm guessing his mom didn't just leave him and he didn't grow up with a father who beat the shit out of him every chance he got. Mike had no idea what it's like. I calmed myself down right as he began to talk again.

"I like you, JJ, and I bet you're fricking fun to hang with and to ditch school with,  go down to the break because I was once just like you, bro"

This fucker did not just call me bro.

"I didn't think that anything mattered. Thought I could make up any bullshit story and these stupid kooks would believe it. But then I learned about hard work and about what really mattered. All I care about, all that I care about is my daughter. That's it."

He was closer to me now and I snapped and talked back and said, "Looks like we have something in common"

"The hell we do. You don't give a shit about my daughter. She was a lot better off before she met you"

I was so fucking pissed and Kie stepped in and tried telling her dad that she was never better off. She told him how miserable she was Anna tried to calm Mike down but he didn't stop. He kept going on about how the pogues ruined Kie's life.

He was right in my face now. I stood and looked him in the eye. I wasn't scared of him. "Didn't mean any disrespect, Mr. Carrera"

"Oh, but you did. You come on my property, in my house and try to tell me that you care about my daughter"

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