story 43

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This takes place during season 2 before they end up on Pougelandia

Kie's POV:

It was any old day for the pogues, we were hanging out at John B's and I totally wasn't myself. All the guys noticed and asked me multiple times what was wrong and I denied that there was anything bothering me. Which was a complete lie. I just found out that I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a single teen mom. My parents knew and they were so pissed at me.

I was leaving and John B was going to drive me home when JJ volunteered. I thought it was weird, but I went with it. We got into the van and he was driving but he wasn't taking me home.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

"The beach" He replied

We drove for about twenty minutes when he stopped and we came to a private overlook on the beach.

"Kie, I know something is bothering you. Please tell me what's wrong. I know I suck at advice and shit but I care about you"

"I'm pregnant.." I said just giving in as I couldn't hold it in any longer and JJ looked completely shocked

"Since when? with who?" He asked

"I'm about five weeks, so still really early" I answered trying to avoid the other question

"Who is the baby daddy?" He asked wanting to know the answer

"You" I said and JJ laughed and told me to try again

"Rafe.." I whispered

"You fucked Rafe? You like that fucking murderer?"

"Hell no, I fucking hate him. This happened before the whole murder thing. You can't ever tell anyone that this is Rafe's baby because they will take it away from me and this baby isn't about to know that psychotic family. I was drunk at that Boneyard party and the next thing I know, I'm waking up the next morning in bed with Rafe."

JJ and I talked for a long time about this and he was super supportive and respectful and then he looked at me and asked, "Kie, what are you going to say when people ask who the dad is?"

"Lie. It was a Touron's or something."

"No one is going to believe that and what happens when Rafe finds out?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead."

"The baby is mine. We got drunk and hooked up and you got pregnant. Simple." He said so confidently

"Yeah, and no one will believe that either. Besides, then what do we do when the baby is born?"

"We'll figure it out." He said

We talked for another hour and I still didn't want to drag JJ into this and I told him no. But he was all in as he walked me up to my front door and my mom was there. She told him that he was the father of the baby. She brought him inside and my dad was pissed. They sent me upstairs and they sat there questioning JJ and I listened. He answered all the questions so mature and real.

My mom came up to my room and she said, "Kiara, I can't believe that you got pregnant in high school, especially with JJ Maybank. But he was very kind and since you are literally pregnant with his child, I'm going to learn to like him."

We waited two weeks and told John B and Pope. They were shocked and couldn't believe it. They both asked me why JJ and JJ looked upset but he played it off. We said it was a one-time thing. We told them nothing would happen between us.

I continued to grow and JJ and I had gotten really close. It was to the point where my parents allowed him to spend the night. JJ loved it because he was safe from his father.

I was nine months pregnant and we were laying in my bed together and JJ's hand was on my stomach. He really cared about me and this baby. He was so overprotective.

I was in the hospital and my parents were in my room with me. I texted the group that I was in the hospital as my water broke. They all showed up and hung out for a bit. JJ was right by my side the whole time, monitoring me. He made sure I was okay with every contraction and he watched them give me the epidural.

It was getting close to the delivery and my doctors kicked everyone out as I had said earlier I wanted to do this alone.

"J, will you stay?" I asked

He got the biggest smile and he said, "Of course, I'd love to"

He stayed and with every push, I squeezed his hand. He was so encouraging and supportive and then we heard the newborn cry. The baby was placed in my arms and the nurse said, "Congratulations, it's a girl"

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at the small little girl in my arms and then at JJ.

"She looks just like her beautiful mom," He said as he lightly put his hand on her

We were doing skin-to-skin contact and she was laying on my chest. She stayed there for a bit and then the nurses took her. They brought her back and handed her to JJ and I watched his heart melt as he held her.

I was told to fill out the birth certificate. I filled out the name that I decided on, with JJ's help. Then I looked at him and I finished off the name. The nurse looked at the birth certificate and I signed it and then they gave JJ a pen to sign. He say the name and looked at me and asked, "Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I said smiling

"Sophia Elizabeth Maybank" JJ said smiling at the little girl

Elizabeth was JJ's mom's name and she died when he was young. My parents and friends came in and met Sophia. They all adored her and soon, we got to bring her home. JJ had bought a house of his own on the cut and he invited me and Sophia to move in.

I happily accepted and my parents paid for the whole house. JJ and I tried to decline it, but for once they were being supportive. JJ was amazing with her and she was already three months old.

I was laying in bed and Sophia started crying I grabbed her and I was holding her. I shared a room with Sophia and JJ had his own room. I finally got Sophia back asleep and I went to the kitchen and JJ was there. He was in his boxers and he said, "Sorry, I heard her cry and realized I was starving"

"Sorry, she's been getting up a lot lately," I said feeling guilty that I was keeping him up as it was three in the morning

"Whatever.." JJ said annoyed

"It's okay, I get it. I'll pack our stuff tomorrow morning and go back to my parent's house. It's not like she's even your baby.." I said fighting tears as I went back to bed and she started screaming again

I packed the diaper bag and I went to leave the house and drive around all night so JJ could sleep.

"Where are you going?" He asked putting the baby in the swing and she fell asleep instantly

"To drive around and get out of here so you can sleep. You never signed up for any of this. I never should have put you in this position."

"Kie, don't leave... You can't leave because if you do, I'm going to have to sue you for custody of that sweet little girl because holy shit, I love her more than I ever could have imagined. She might not be my daughter biologically but she's my daughter and I'm here for her and for you, no matter what"

I was full-on bawling because he loved her. I said, "I forget you aren't her biological father because you are the most amazing dad to her and there is no one else I would want my little girl to call daddy."

JJ grabbed me and he kissed me. I kissed him back and he pulled me closer.

"I love you, Kie, and I have for a really long time. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have agreed to this situation when you told me. I love Sophia and I love you. I want more babies with you."

JJ kissed me and we put Sophia back in her bed and then JJ laid down in my bed with me and held me close, "And I love you, too, JJ... There's a reason her mom's name is her middle name and Maybank is her last name."

"Now, I just need to make her mom a Maybank," He said with a smirk as he kissed me goodnight

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now