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Kie's POV:

Six years had gone by since we graduated high school. I have been married for three years to Liam and it's been amazing. Pope and Cleo were engaged, Sarah and John B were legally married and expecting their first baby. JJ also was engaged to this really amazing girl, Ashley.

Life was going great for all of us. Pope and Cleo were living near Yale as that's where Pope was going to medical school. John B and Sarah were at the chateau. Sarah was traveling to New York a lot for work. JJ and his fiance were at his old house and I was living on Figure Eight with my husband.

JJ was my best friend and we were constantly hanging out together and doing stupid shit together. Last week, we got on a tiny plane to Florida and went swimming with dolphins just for the hell of it.

Today, JJ came over and I was working from home. He was just hanging out while I worked. Of course, he was being super distracting. He went to play some stupid video game in the basement. I got done early and we decided that we were going surfing. We spent the rest of the day in the ocean surfing and then it got dark and we went to the Wreck and got free food which still drove my dad crazy. He still hated JJ which we both just laughed at.

A few days later, the doorbell rang in the middle of the night. I went to answer it and JJ was standing there. His fist was bruised and his face was bloody. He was crying and he said, "He came home"

I pulled him into my arms and he cried like a child. I brought him into the bathroom and I clean his cuts. We were on the couch and he was telling me everything and he said, "I hate to ask but I can't go home and Ash can't see me like this..."

I cut him off and said, "Of course, you can stay here. For as long as you want to. I don't want you going back home with him there"

I brought him to the guest bedroom and he laid down and then he asked, "Will you stay?"

I laid down next to him and we both fell asleep. I woke up and Liam was gone at work. He didn't ever seem to care that I hung out with JJ. He spent about two weeks in the guest room and then he moved back in with his dad.

We were all at the Chateau just hanging out when everyone decided to jokingly not give JJ the last beer and we were throwing it around like kids playing money in the middle.

I caught it and JJ was right there. He wrapped his arms around me as he stood behind me and picked me up. We were both laughing and he finally got it away from me.

"Victory," he said as he shotgunned the beer, and I went to sit back down next to Liam and he seemed annoyed. He never was a huge fan of the pogues and the chateau parties, however, it was a different story when we were with Sarah and her expensive shit.

A few days later, we were on the Cameron's fancy boat. Rose and Wheezie came home and Sarah had a great relationship with them. So we were out for a weekend getaway. Pope and Cleo were even able to join us.

JJ and I were going into the kitchen to get another bottle of wine. The water was a little rough and we were in the small wine cellar. We hit a wave and JJ's body crashed into me which pushed us both into the corner. His hands were on my hips, my chest was pressed up against his. There were inches between our lips and he looked into my eyes. My heart began to race but I stayed calm.

"Are you okay?" He asked not backing away

"Yeah, I'm fine. You good?" I asked

"Yeah" He said not breaking the eye contact that was so intense JJ inched closer to me and then quickly pulled away when the door opened and Sarah came in

"You guys okay after that huge wave almost killed us?"

"Yup" JJ said leaving with the bottle of wine

Sarah looked at me and I was still in my own little world. I looked at her and said, "I think we almost just kissed"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now