story 154 (based on season 3)

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SEASON 3 SPOILERS in this story

* disclaimer - this story is based on OBX season 3, after episode 10 - I just put my own thoughts/ideas into the episode *

Kie's POV:

The plane landed back in the Outer Banks. I didn't know what was going to happen next. My mom and dad probably already knew that I escaped from Kitty Hawk and were arranging for me to be shipped off to another country.

Pope and Cleo were heading to his parent's house. I wish my mom and dad would have trusted me and been cool like Pope's were. John B and Sarah were headed to Tanny Hill as the Chateau had been burnt down. That left me and JJ. His house was being foreclosed, so that was only a temporary place to stay.

JJ grabbed my hand and he said, "They're gonna know we're back and you'll eventually have to see them. Might as well get it over with"

I was crying and I said, "What if they send me away again?"

"Kie, I'm not going to let that happen. I promise I won't leave your side. If your parents have some crazy shit planned, we'll run away until you turn eighteen"

"You'd really do that? You'd run away with me with no money, no plan"

JJ smiled and said, "Yes, because I can't lose you again. You have no idea how relieved I was when I found you in that cabin"

We walked to Figure Eight and as we approached the house, I looked at him and said, "They are going to be so pissed that we're dating on top of it all"

"It's going to be okay"

We were walking up my driveway and I was shaking and my hands were sweating. The last time I was here the two guys from the camp pretty much just snatched me and threw me in the backseat of the car. JJ held my hand a little tighter and I knocked on the front door. My mom and dad were both right there.

"I could have you arrested for kidnapping!" My dad yelled at JJ

"Really? Because it's not called kidnapping when the person goes willingly, unlike when you sent your daughter to that camp" JJ defended me

"She's our daughter, we did what was best for her" Mike said getting closer to JJ

"No, no you didn't. You took the easy way out. You sent her away instead of rebuilding your relationship with her. You sent her away because you don't want her to ruin your perfect kook image because she isn't a kook. She's a pogue and you hate that about her, your own daughter" JJ raised his voice

"I should have known, Kiara! It's always been about those damn boys, but you really had to pick this one. Out of all the boys, it had to be fucking JJ" My dad yelled

"Yeah, I did because I love him"

"You don't even know what love is. JJ is just like his father. You're just going to end up as his punching bag" My dad said looking at me

"Shut up, you don't get to talk about JJ like that. I love him, dad. I know what love is and this between me and you isn't love, a father should love his daughter unconditionally no matter what. Sure, I have messed up but how does that make you love me less?" I asked in tears

My mom has been pretty quiet thought out this until now when she said, "We don't love you any less. We were just worried about you and wanted you to be safe."

"Then you could have talked to me. I told you that I didn't want to go to any of those camps. You didn't listen to me. You betrayed me. I can't ever trust you guys again, my own parents" I cried and JJ hugged me

"So, what? This is how it's going to be? You're really picking JJ over us?"

"Yeah, I am" I said

"Fine, if that's the case then I don't ever want you back in my house" My mom yelled

"Cool, I'm just going to go grab my thing" J said bringing JJ up to my bedroom where I packed my clothes and a few other things into a couple of bags

JJ and I left my parent's house and we each carried a few bags back to JJ's house. We put everything down and then JJ hugged me and said, "I love you and I'm sorry for everything that happened today"

"Thank you for standing up for me and protecting me. Don't listen to anything my mom or dad said. I wish things could've been different between us, but now you're all I have and I love you, so much"

We sat on the couch and JJ kissed me and he said, "Looks like we both have daddy issues"

I started laughing and he said, "There's your beautiful smile" as he wiped my tears away with his thumb

I rested my head on his shoulder as said, "If we ever have kids, we're never going to let them feel the way our parents have made us feel"

JJ looked at me and he was caught off guard by my comment. He didn't freak out like I expected him to. Instead he said, "Never, we'll be the best freaking parents to our little pogues"

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" He said kissing the top of my head

I pretty much will forever have trust issues with my parents but I have JJ. He makes me feel so safe and so loved. I know he'll always protect me from my parents and he will save me from anything or anyone.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now