story 73

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Kie's POV:

It had been eight years since I've seen JJ Maybank. We went our separate ways and I attended college on the other side of the country. I ended up hating my 9-5 job and became a flight attendant so I could travel the world cheap.

It wasn't my favorite job. I hated the job part of it, but I loved the layovers for a few days in different parts of the world. I woke up late today and I quickly got ready. I threw on my uniform dress and went to the airport. I was flying from New York to the Outer Banks and then to our final destination, Yucatan.

The first flight was uneventful and we had just finished boarding when I looked up and saw JJ Maybank sitting in one of the seats. He had a girl next to him and they were talking. That must be his girlfriend.

He saw me and our eyes locked, rows apart. One of my co-workers just finished the safety announcement and we all took our seats for takeoff. Once we were in the sky, we were serving snacks and beverages.

I got stuck on JJ's side of the plane. He pretended like he didn't know me. Except his fingers brushed against my legs and he looked at me. I gave them their drinks and I kept moving. A few minutes later, I saw JJ get up and head to the bathroom in the back of the plane.

I was working the back of the plane and he approached me and said, "Excuse me, there seems to be an issue in the bathroom. Would you mind taking a look"

I followed him back to the bathroom and the door shut behind us. Thankfully, no one saw me go in here. JJ locked the door and I asked, "What's the problem?"

"The problem is that I haven't seen you in eight years"

"You couldn't have said that in your seat?" I asked annoyed

"I didn't want the whole plane to hear"

"The whole plane? Or your girlfriend?"

"She's just a girl I met at the airport when we were boarding"

"Yeah, typical JJ" I said rolling my eyes

"So can we leave the bathroom now since there's no problem?" I asked growing more annoyed

We hit turbulence and I stumbled into JJ. Thankfully, he caught me and my body was pressed against his. He looked into my eyes and he asked, "Do you want to join the mile high club?"

"With you? No thanks, besides you're probably already the president of the club" I said leaving the bathroom

I went back to work and I couldn't stop thinking about what JJ said. Our flight was almost over and we would start our decent soon. I wrote on a piece of paper

meet me in the same bathroom in two minutes

I walked by his seat and slipped him the note. I went into the bathroom and I waited. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how gross I looked after being in the air all day.

What was I thinking? This was an awful idea. JJ was my best friend. I've kissed John B and Pope before. I had sex with Pope before and it meant nothing. They were like brothers to me. I was never this nervous before.

I was stopped from my thoughts with a knock on the door. I opened it and JJ came in locking the door behind him.

"Looks like someone changed her mind"

"Shut up and kiss me" I said before I changed my mind again

His lips crashed into mine and I broke apart and said, "The seatbelt light goes on in five minutes and all passengers have to be seated so you better make this fast"

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