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Kie's POV:

JJ and I have been dating for three years. We started dating when I was in college and he ended up moving in with me. We were now twenty-four years old. My parents knew I was dating him but they didn't say much as I was an adult.

JJ and I rarely went home but we just landed at the airport for Christmas. Luke took off when we were in high school so JJ had no family, not that Luke was ever a good dad. He was spending Christmas with my family. I was excited and nervous for my family to finally get to know the real JJ and spend Christmas with us.

I have an older brother named Ryan who is happily married and has two kids. Then there is my sister, Kayla who is also married and pregnant with her first baby. Then there was my other sister, Ashley who is engaged to the guy she's been with for years. I was the baby and the disappointed child of the family. All my siblings were with kooks and I was the one in love with a pogue. 

My mom and dad picked us up from the airport and drove back to my house where all my siblings were. After many hugs and talking, JJ and I brought our bags up to my childhood room. He looked at me and said, "Aww, nothing has changed in here since high school"

JJ used to sometimes sneak in my room during high school. Nothing ever happened between us. It was just when he would get in a fight with his dad and have nowhere else to go. He kissed me quickly before we went back down to my family. JJ got along well with all my siblings which was nice so he had other people to talk to besides me.


Kie was busy talking with her sisters and her dad needed someone to run to the Wreck with him to grab a few things. I volunteered and thought it would be a good time to get him alone to ask for his blessing to marry Kie. I was planning on proposing Christmas morning. 

Mike did whatever he had to and I was there to help him move some tables around for the cleaners tonight. I was so nervous to ask him and we had been having a casual conversation and I just asked him flat out.

"I love your daughter and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I want your blessing before I propose" I said which I totally didn't pick the right words

Mike thought for a second and said, "No"

I thought it was a joke at first and then I realized it wasn't. The car ride back was super awkward. What was I supposed to do now? I had the ring with me. I have been planning this for months now.

Kayla was married and Ashley was engaged so I was going to ask the guys about what to do. We went outside to grill dinner and we were sipping on our beers.

"Guys, how did you get permission to marry the girls?" I asked

Kayla's husband said, "Her dad loved me, he was the one who told me I better propose soon"

"I just asked him and he said of course... Why?" Ashley's fiance asked

"Well, I've been planning on proposing to Kie on Christmas morning and I just asked him and he said no. I got no explanation and now he's not speaking to me"

The guys started laughing and telling me that I needed to get on his good side. I was so fucking nervous now. They told me things should be fine for Christmas. It was still a few days away. I spent the next two days doing everything I could to help out and get on his good side but nothing seemed good enough.

Kie and I were going out tonight. There was this cool house that went all out with lights and music a few blocks away and we were going to see it. On the walk over she asked, "Is everything okay? You've been acting strange ever since we got here"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now