story 125

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Kie's POV:

Today would have been mine and JJ's fourth wedding anniversary but we've been separated for almost a year. Things were great with us until they weren't. We never actually filed for divorce but we said we were over and that we could see other people. JJ had been with a bunch of girls since that and I couldn't bring myself to start dating again, not yet.

I was sitting in a hammock at the Chateau spinning my wedding ring around my finger. I couldn't believe how fast our marriage fell apart. I was interrupted from my thoughts by JJ's bike. He got off his bike and there was a girl on the back.

"Really? You're still bringing girls here to hook up!" I screamed

The girl stumbled inside and JJ walked over to me and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Thinking about wedding we had here four years ago"

JJ chuckled to himself and said, "Wow, already four years ago"

"Just stop talking to me and go hook up with whatever slut your brought here" I said not wanting to talk to him

"She doesn't matter, she's wasted anyway..."

"Whatever, just leave me alone then" I said wiping a few tears

JJ came closer and he said, "I can't leave you when you're upset like this. You know that"

"Really? Because if that were the case then we'd still be happily married"

"I'm sorry, Kie. But of course I still care about you and think about you all the time"

"That's believable" I said sarcastically

"What's the supposed to mean?" He asked defensive

"It means all you do is hook up with other girls, we're still legally married"

"There's been one other girl. It was three weeks after we decided to break up and it was awful. I wanted that girl to be you so badly. Regardless of what you think, I swear she was the only one and if I'm being honest, it only lasted about two minutes before I just got up and left because I felt so dirty because it felt like I was cheating on you"

"Then who is that girl that you brought home?"

"Wheezie, Sarah's little sister. I was leaving work and I saw her stumbling home so I brought her here as I know Sarah will take care of her"

"So you were never going to do anything with her?"

"Eww, that's disgusting" He said grossed out

He looked at me and he got in the hammock beside me and he hugged me as I was still crying. He kissed the top of my head and said, "I've been a shitty husband to you and I'm so sorry for the pain that I've caused you. I'm acting like my father would and I hate that. I don't expect you to forgive me but I promise to work on us and to stop acting like a dick. I love you, Kiara Anna Maybank and nothing is ever going to change that"

I started crying even more. This is the first normal conversation that's we've had. I rested my head on his shoulder as I whispered, "I love you Jackson James Maybank"

He leaned down and he kissed me so softly. We broke apart and he said, "We're going to be okay"

Suddenly, everything just felt better. I was finally getting my husband back. I looked at him and said, "You're nothing like your father. He wouldn't be doing what you're doing right now, apologizing and fixing things"

JJ was the one who was trying not to cry now. I kissed him again and said, "Come on, let's go home"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now